Tuesday, April 21, 2015

They Are Okay

Calzona  Review 11x20  “One Flight Down”

A surgical residency is all about training for the worst. But as prepared as we might be, we usually don’t see disaster coming.  We can try to envision the worst case scenario, to foresee catastrophe, but when true disaster strikes, it often comes out of nowhere.  And when the worst really does happen, we find ourselves completely blindsided. “

It was expected that this was going to  be a serious episode. We had been aware of the press releases of a plane crash and how Meredith and Arizona were experiencing recurring PTSD.

But more than anything, this episode was rich. Rich in emotion, in expression of thankfulness for life, of not taking life for granted, and a touching display of  friendship among  the  characters, and how they were  concerned about each other. 

A testimony to how they have become more bonded with each other over the years as surgeons, as  true friends, as family.

“I need  Robbins”

A small plane went down, right smack at a busy street in Seattle, and in effect, a car came crashing through the window of a  whole prenatal yoga  class,  and Richard Webber had a field day regaling people of  having  witnessed the sensational  event (from afar, actually)  and how he came out of it unscathed.

While Jo and Stephanie were thrilled at the bone crushes, burns  and fractures they were likely to face in treating their patients, and while Callie was coolly attending to a victim, Meredith however, had unwanted flashbacks of the tragedy that beset her, her husband, her best friend, her sister and  her friends,  some time back.

Meredith and Arizona had severe trauma when they saw and treated the victims of the plane crash. It all came back to them. It was PTSD at work.

For Meredith, the screams in the trauma room brought back those same screams of painful memories in the woods and how her person only had one shoe.

Meredith  was visibly affected when she was in the presence of the traumatized patients.  At that moment, she was at a loss. Seemed like she needed someone who could understand her and what she felt.

It was touching to see Meredith seek out Arizona—the only person who could understand what she felt.

Alex asked Mer if she needed a consult but Mer straightforwardly replied: “I need Robbins”
All those who were with her on that plane was not in the hospital. Mark and her sister Lexie were gone. Derek was missing. Cristina was far away . The only person who  shared that same tragic experience with her was Arizona,  and at that moment, she needed only Arizona.

Where did she find her? In the supply closet, sitting on the floor breathing heavily as if having an anxiety attack. Many an Arizona fan would have surely wanted to run to her rescue and comforted her. Namely me.

And Mer  joined her. They both had felt the PTSD recurrence.  So they shared their feelings, they breathed heavily together and they convinced each other that they were all right.

Arizona:  There…there was a plane crash
Meredith: I know
Arizona: But We’re okay.  Cause it’s not us.  It’s not us, so..we’re okay.
Mer : We are okay .. we are..we’ re okay
Arizona: Did you see the guy out there? His leg is severed beneath the knee. Did you? Did you see him?
Mer: I did. We’re okay.   The girl. She can’t find her boyfriend.
Arizona: We’re okay
Mer: We’re okay.

“It’s not my place…not anymore..”

When Alex sees Callie coming into the trauma room, it was endearing how he was concerned about his friend and his mentor Arizona. It’s always impressive how Alex, despite his abrasive shell,  always manages to show that he is a man with heart.

Alex: Have you seen Meredith  or Arizona today? They okay?

Callie: No I haven’t.

Alex: There ought to be some rule. People who have been in a plane crash shouldn’t work on one

Callie: Haha that’s not a bad idea.

Alex: We should uh, you know, look out for them today, you know?

Callie: Yes, oh uh no, no um I can’t. I mean I want to but I can’t be that person for Arizona. It’s uh..it’s not my place, you know..Not anymore.

Alex: Right, yeah okay.

I’m a little confused here. I had always been in that mindset that Callie was already in that stage where she is friends with Arizona and that she’s there for her when the going got tough. Especially during Herman’s time.  Even Arizona had also shown that she’s there for Callie when Callie had problems with her patient.

But how come this time, she says it’s not her place? Not anymore?… This led me to think.
Not that she isn’t there for Arizona. She actually had that automatic agreeable expression when Alex brought up the idea of looking out for Mer and Arizona, but somehow, she seemed to change her mind.

Maybe it was because this situation was different. Unlike that time when Arizona was emotionally affected  about Herman, and Callie was there for her with no hesitation.
This was a plane crash incident and the wounds of this issue may not have been actually healed yet,  even if  they mentioned it jokingly last episode.

They mentioned this in jest  last episode although as a friend pointed out to me, we could sense there was still that hint of resentment in Arizona’s tone during that time.
I was thinking, maybe Callie did not want to have to face  Arizona at the time  because it might bring back bad memories?

Arizona and Alex’s friendship

When  Arizona bumped  into “hovering” Alex, she was irritable.

“Are you kidding? Of course I’m not okay”

Since a whole prenatal yoga class was victimized by the plane crash,  Arizona and Alex were busy with the mom patients. And as Arizona gave Alex  a rundown of the patients, her behavior was not the usual Arizona attitude. She was clearly agitated,  even laughing awkwardly, totally not normal for such a situation.  The PTSD was most probably causing this. Alex was persistent…

Alex: You don’t really seem  okay. You need a hand?
Arizona: No. I’m just in the weeds here.
Alex: Yeah you need a hand

Not only did Alex tell close friends to look out for Mer and Arizona. Good ol’ dependable Alex was there looking out for Arizona all through this ep.  So good to see the Arizona – Alex friendship  as solid as ever.

Callie and Mer’s Friendship

Callie chanced upon Mer in the locker room

Callie: You okay?

Mer: I’m fine

Callie: Cause you know,  there was a plane crash and  just thought maybe …for about a year after the plane crash, Arizona had nightmares. And if I’d come home even 10 minutes late, she’d freak out  so I just wanted to see if you’re doing okay.

And Meredith expressed that she was not worried that she had not heard from Derek …

Callie: It’s the plane crash, Meredith. The plane crash is making you worry

Callie’s concern for her friend was admirable when she said to Bailey : “You’ll call me if she, just call me…”

Wrong notion

Alex went to the scan room and was looking for Callie. Yet again,  another display of concern, this time from April . And some (wrong) details of the plane crash were shared in the ensuing dialogue.

April : Hey are you working with Arizona today? Is she doing okay?

Alex: Yeah well she keeps yelling at me to do crap so I guess that’s normal. Anyone know how Mer’s doing?

The next dialogue reveals the misinformation of their peers on what truly happened about the leg amputation, and it made  Alex guilty when April said, “Callie had to amputate
And Alex had to add defensively, with  private guilt, “She would’ve died,  if the leg didn’t come off,  it would have killed her.”

Alex already had an encounter with Arizona but hesitated to bring up the topic. He became guilty after hearing April say that Callie had to do Arizona’s amputation.

To repeat, Jo said it again in a conversation with Stephanie, as if to emphasize the wrong info that they had:

Jo: Did you know that it was Torres who sawed off Arizona’s leg?
Stephanie: That’s what happened?
Jo: Yes and it’s so weird  because now we know them….they’re like real people and they were in a plane crash..

Alex hovering,lurking creeping

Arizona: I don’t need help. I need you to stop hovering.

Alex: I’m not hovering

Arizona: Yes you are.  You are hovering and lurking and creeping.

Alex: look I’m just trying to help you.

Arizona: No Alex, you’re not. Meredith asked you to watch out for me. Because she thinks I’m coming apart but I’m not coming apart. But you hovering doesn’t make it any easier. 
What would make it easier is if you got out of my O.R and let me do my job!

So Alex left.

Alex’s  admission

Then Arizona, in another scene, made it up to Alex..

Arizona: Alex,  I’m sorry that I snapped at you . I know that you were trying to make me feel better but…

Alex: I was making me feel better.  It’s just, I wanted you to be okay, all right? I’m sick of feeling bad.

Arizona: Why? Why would you feel bad?

Alex: Do you know it was me who cut off your leg? Callie was stuck in surgery and your circulation collapsed from sepsis and she decided you had to lose it. But I made the cut. I’m the one who did it. Just ..I don’t know if you knew that or wanted to but it’s true. Are you pissed ? I mean you can be pissed. I get it.

Arizona: Thanks. For telling me.

I was staring at Arizona’s reaction. Her focus was not on Alex having had made the cut. She was not even mad at Alex.  It felt like her leg being gone was not an issue anymore.    It seemed she was now  thinking of how she had always blamed Callie  and made her suffer for it. 

That beautiful confrontation

Arizona caught up with Callie and confronted her about Alex’s admission…

Arizona: Why didn’t you tell me?

Callie: Hmm?

Arizona : About Alex. And my leg

Callie: Freakin Karev.

Arizona: Don’t be mad at him

Callie: But he’s an idiot. I was trying to protect him. Why did he have to…

Arizona: After all this time, you let me hold it against you…I …why?

Callie: I made the call. I mean no matter what, it was still me. Making the call to take your leg, and I knew that you were going to hate me.  (Pause) I didn’t want you to hate Alex too, I wanted you to have somebody

Arizona stares, with that fully  appreciative look, like she was taking in all the  sincerity from her ex-wife’s words, she nods  all of three times and  uttered a meaningful  “thank you”

This 48-second highly charged scene  was pure happiness for me.

Let’s analyze their  emotions:          


To Arizona, at first, it was puzzlement,  and a bit of guilt. It was a big WHY. But no doubt,  she was  touched by Callie’s noble deed.  Callie was self-sacrificing and it seemed Arizona noted all that in her heart.  The fact that she hurriedly confronted Callie upon Karev’s revelation, means she was that moved.

She was questioning why Callie even had to do this, and maybe there was also a bit of guilt about what she put her ex-wife through. By her words “after all this time, you let me hold it against you”

She had been short with Callie all that time. That thought  that her  wife cut off her leg was rooted inside of her.   To anyone’s mind, that was a hard thought to live with, if not somehow mentally destructive to  the image she painted her wife with. The shade of resentment would always be in her subconscious. And true enough, in their joking moment at the gallery, things were funnily delivered when Arizona made talk of cutting off the leg as compared to cutting off a penis, but as a friend told me, we could still sense some  form of resentment from Arizona in that  scene from last ep.

But this, this revelation of Karev,  this changed everything.

Let’s take a peek at Arizona’s mind:
She held it against Callie because Callie made the call and actually  cut off her leg   --  
but Callie did not cut off her leg.
She even let Arizona resent her for something she did not do.

Any mere mortal’s heart  would melt if someone did this very thing to her.  Ever since Callie’s promise to  not cut off her leg was broken, Arizona accused Callie  in her heart , mind and in her actions.

But this noble wife of hers, did decide to cut it off  TO SAVE HER LIFE and was even willing to take the blame for cutting it off, and even cared enough to see to it that Arizona had someone to support her.

The appreciation was written all over Arizona’s face. Realizing that someone in this world loved her that much, enough to even  bear  her  resentment,  just so she  could be cared for and not  be lonely.


Callie meanwhile, of course, was pissed at Karev.  This was a secret that was not intended to be revealed.  Knowing Callie, the selfless being that she is, she was already content with letting this piece of truth be kept secret for life.

It was a closed book/closed issue  for her. The only important thing for her was that Arizona was okay.  That Arizona had someone there as a friend .

Never mind if Arizona hated her for making the call and cutting the leg off.  All that mattered to her was Arizona’s well-being, because if she hated Karev too, she wouldn’t be left with anyone from that time till the present. Callie was practical enough to focus more on Arizona having someone who could serve as friend and confidante. 

Callie and Karev were two of the most important people in Arizona’s life. Callie knew that if Arizona had even the slightest resentment toward her, she would need a support group and it was better for her to shoulder all the blame than see her wife not have anyone. Not in her condition.

And even up to the time that Arizona already had seemed to have gotten over the leg issue, and had learned to go back to living a quality way of life,  still, Callie did not plan on revealing the truth, she saw no need for it.

She was not the type to count and make known  whatever good deeds she has done for ex-wife, even if they were fighting or  even if she was hurt by Arizona during the cheating, the irritability,  short- temperedness. That was all negligible to Callie. She did a noble, selfless deed in secret, and she was okay with whatever good that brought her wife. No use telling everyone.

This event props up Callie Torres’ kindheartedness and loving nature all the more. She truly is THAT KIND . That  selfless. That  giving.  Consistent as ever.

Seeing Callie spill out the details to Arizona, just made me feel like curling up into a ball and think deeply about how to handle such an emotion-filled scene.

It was too much for my heart and the tears were sure to fall. That look that Callie gave Arizona, if you stare at the earnestness in her eyes, you could feel all her love and sincerity for Arizona. All the love in the world was expressed in that one look. Like she was willing to sacrifice herself, for the welfare of her loved one.

And all that was expressed, even if they were broken up.

Worthy to note too that the look that Callie had  toward Arizona was not normally the look of someone who had already been estranged from her wife. I mean what the hell. That was a loving look of someone who still loves her wife. Romantically or not, I  couldn’t care less.

Love was there. I believe myself  cause I watched this scene 20 times.  I would engage anyone in a debate if anyone would say there was no love in that look. And I'm not even qualifying it as romantic. It was not.

I am  not even going to mention how deeply I felt for Arizona when she took in all that Callie was saying.  In her eyes and expression, was so much gratefulness and heart. Arizona  gave Callie that  touched, thankful look as she listened and said thank you.

I wanted so much for them to hug right that moment. But I guess both were taken aback by their conversation  and maybe felt the awkwardness.  But judging from their facials, what stayed were:  Arizona’s thankfulness  and feeling of comfort,  and  Callie’s unwavering loving concern.


It was notable  that  in this episode, friendship was emphasized.

Aside from the superbly  sensitive acting that we saw from Ellen Pompeo and Jessica Capshaw in that supply closet scene, it is rare that we see Meredith and Arizona bond. And it was good to see them share something that none of the others present in the hospital would understand.

 I truly appreciate this emergence of a new friendship. Merzona is an important friendship. Bound by pain and tragedy.  Nobody else could break through the  bond created by tragedy.  It was a bond only they could share.

The   Merzona  friendship  was refreshing to see,  and it was a unique deep kind of affiliation. I really hope to see more of the Merzona friendship in future episodes.

Also, friendships with Callie and Arizona were as  strong as ever --Aprizona , Merlex, Merlie..

The retro  storyline 

I do not wish to talk about how surprised I was that this admission about who cut off the leg  had to happen now after  two seasons of being ignored. Like this is so season 9. That Arizona never really knew about it after all that time.

But anyway, I will not ponder on the reasons why this was  suddenly brought up again, even as I assumed long ago that they may have left this for the audiences to just accept as a given, and that it was not meant to be a literal thing.

It is safe to assume that maybe they were trying to answer this two-season-old  issue and maybe, to finally tie up the loose ends in the stories,  that people have been talking about.
Maybe too, this is the way that the show can tackle issues between Callie and Arizona.

But I won’t talk about this perceived lapse during the the past seasons. Nope, I won’t talk about them (wink), and will just let things  be.

I would rather  support  how this story is going.  At least they are trying to fix everything that had long been questionable.


I need to quote the closing voice-over because as much as it is relevant to Grey’s characters, it does sound very familiar to Calzona most especially, after having been through so much in life and love, but both of them have been strong for it and survived..

Why do bad things happen to good people? We ask that question so often, it becomes a cliché. But that’s because bad things do happen to good people. Constantly.

You just have to hope, that when it’s your turn, you’ll know what to do…how to cope…how to persevere.
But the truth is, you don’t know how you’ll react to your worst case scenario…none of us do…not until it happens. “

Moving forward

With the way all of this is going, I need to say that we have been seeing a string of episodes that are carefully addressing the issues  between  Callie and Arizona,  especially the major ones.  This episode also was an answer to that two-season-long question perennially  asked by the fans—about Arizona not knowing that it wasn’t really Callie who made the cut.

All these episodes are  slowly but surely leaving no stone unturned in resolving   Calzona issues since 11x05. All the imperfections in their relationship, all their  personal , social and career growth,  all the points of arguments and resentment  are slowly being addressed, in every way that makes strawberry syrup out of our hearts.  

Sanest question would be: why would the show even tackle such scenes and dialogue that resolve their conflicts? Why  make them express their care and concern in words and facial expressions  if they weren’t meant to be together in the end?

For me, I think everything is going fine and right on track in this so-called journey.  

We are being witness to  love between these two beautiful human beings in these episodes. Not romantic, but love of the more lasting kind.

Friendly reminder that the next episode is an episode we will not forget. And that Shonda Rhimes wrote it. Too scared and yet cannot wait, so good luck to us.

Mr Cop is coming back in 11x22, again,  good luck to us.

Excited to see how Calzona progresses from here.

Till then.




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