Monday, October 19, 2015

Love In Its Own Time

Calzona Review 12x04 "Old Time Rock n Roll"

"You might be surprised but anatomy classes can be uncomfortable for surgeons. We're trained to put bodies back together. We prefer our tissue warm. Alive. Usually when a surgeon is staring at dead tissue, it means that something is very very wrong."

Still reeling from the awesomeness of this episode. Grey's  magic is all over this ep as it made me cry and then laugh and then amazed and then awed in all its airtime minutes. That kind of effect by old Greys episodes. All i can say is that Greys is back to its old awesome self.

Excellent writing and directorial credits go to Austin Guzman and Nicole Rubio. The episode was supremely engaging. No dull moment at all.

And it's not just a lead-in for the much talked about  250th 'Who's coming to dinner" episode. This episode stands proudly on its own with its magnificent writing and excellent directing.

The Callie Arizona saga makes a soft-sharp turn in this ep and much as i Iove for them to be together , it was bittersweet and fun to watch them get on with this new chapter in their lives as exes. It's the stage where  they're friends, and it's time to meet the new girl in the other's life.

I didn't quite know how to react to the encounter between Aprizona and  Callie.

First, i was taking in all of Arizona's and April's jitters about going to the dinner party at la casa de seestra grey-shepherd, worried if Callie and Jackson were coming.

I felt a flutter in my tummy when Arizona was worried about whether Callie was to bring her new girlfriend. It was sad that Callie had moved on without her but it was kind of fun to see her jealous or bothered by this new chapter in Callie's life. It is rare that we see her jealous. It was always Callie who had bouts with the  jealousy pangs.

Clever how April asked about Penny and Arizona asked about Jackson, in a scene that made my heart beat loudly, and made me hysterical.

Just seeing Callie and Arizona in a scene like that makes me blush. Goodness, i'm still here for the sparks even if they're estranged.

April: Are u going? Please tell me youre going
Arizona: I don't know . I mean, Callie's gonna be there.
April: Since when was that an issue?
Arizona: It's not. I don't  wanna make her girlfriend feel uncomfortable. You know, intimidated by me. I mean if she's bringing her out.  You know if she's bringing her,  Do you?
April: Well she's right over there. Do you want me to ask her if she's bringing her girlfriend?
Arizona: Yes, please

April: You ask about Jackson, I'll ask about Penny.

Callie: Hey, about that thing tonight, im not sure any of them cook. Should I bring food just in case? I dont wanna starve.
Arizona: I think its gonna be fine. Do you know if Jackson's coming tonight?
Callie: No idea
April: Are you bringing Penny?
Callie: Oh! I hadn't. Oh i didn't know if you would be okay with that. And uh I didnt want it to be awkward or uncomfortable for her. You know.
Arizona: Okay. Me? Oh I'm fine. Are you kidding? Bring her. Totally .. Bring her cause ...i wanna meet her. I think that we all want to meet her . Yeah i mean not just me. Mostly me..
April: I would  really love to meet her
Callie: I will see if she's available
Arizona: Cool!

Arizona : See i can do this. I can do this. I'm excited. It's cool. I'm cool.
April: Cool people don't say they're cool

In truth, seeing a Calzona scene nowadays is like worth much more than gold.

My take on this scene:

1. Callie purposely didnt consider bringing Penny because she was concerned about Arizona's reaction. And that was very thoughtful and kind of her. Just like in episode 2, where she didnt want to tell Arizona about Penny. See, Callie still cares about Arizona and doesnt want to hurt her at this stage. How sweet.

2. Arizona was funnily defensive and was in panic, struggling for words to not appear like she was bothered or jealous. It was not in her plan to be caught off guard but she was. The opposite of what she wanted happened. She had to have pride, and then some. Face to face with Callie, of course she had to show that she was okay with the new girlfriend, even going overboard saying she really wanted to meet her.

I honestly was so overwhelmed by this scene and was laughing so much at how Arizona struggled to put up an unaffected front, but ended up like she so wanted to meet Penny.

thank goodness bestie April saved her from the awkward struggle by saying "I would really love  to meet her"

I wanted to hug April.

Jessica pulled off this bittersweet hilarious scene so well, one of the many brilliant scenes she had in this episode.

3. Callie was so pure in her surprise and delight in that Arizona wanted to meet her new girl. And she is so radiant in this scene. Gosh, she must really be in love.

The only concern that Callie had was about bringing food to the dinner party. She was doubtful if the grey-shepherd seestras could even cook, so when Arizona and April brought up the subject of inviting Penny, she liked the idea and decided to ask if Penny was available. Finally, her friends could meet her new girlfriend.

All was fine.
But not fine for me :)

Effect of this scene:

In a nutshell, this scene made me excited, thrilled to see them talk to each other about the new girl,then  made me laugh so hard, then made me want to shed tears. I don't know why.

Doctor Sweetheart and Abe

A very interesting part of the episode was the encounter between Arizona (called sweetheart by Abe and she corrected it to Dr Sweetheart) and 90 year old patient Abe, who was part of the silver flood at Grey Sloan, caused by an accident involving senior citizens.

Abe had an incidental chat with Arizona and served as inspiration to Arizona, his love chronicle was something that Arizona needed to hear at a time like this. They had a brief but meaningful talk over cups of jello.

He was 85 when he met the love of his life and he was set to propose. He even showed off the ring to Arizona, who was all so mesmerized by Abe's romantic description of his proposal plan and with Abe's loving description of the girl of his dreams, Gabby. Arizona was paged so she had to leave and thus cut short the conversation.

The talk, however had ceased permanently with Abe's unexpected passing on.

This short, fun conversation though, had hit Arizona hard. After checking on Gabby's (Abe's girlfriend) status and Owen assured her she'll be taken care of, she didn't  realize how it affected her until she was in the supply closet where she broke down in tears.

Jessica played this part so well with the step by step stages of tears that developed into a downright bawling.

Before i talk about how cute Arizona was when she started to cry, i need to reflect first on her  talk with Abe.

We saw her obviously upset or worried  but feigning happiness about Callie's new gf at the beginning of the ep.

This was picking up from her reaction about the girl in episode two where she defensively told Callie , "you can tell me, Callie , you can always tell me.."

Maybe she was trying to suppress the feeling of loneliness or being left behind. She was trying to appear strong to everyone especially to Callie. She didn't want to be pitied.

There was her ex-wife Callie who apparently had already totally moved on and seemed to have found someone she adored a lot;  and here she was, all alone with no love life to speak of.

If we look back at the past season where Callie had several short-lived romantic entanglements, Arizona was centered on her career and her self growth. She did not have a romantic relationship after all the not-so-pleasant relationships she had. Leah was the last one we knew of on-screen, and we never really saw her yearn or search for anyone.

She seemed to be satisfied with focusing on her second specialization--fetal surgery and was busy helping out her mentor conquer her brain tumor. It was laudable that she had no succeeding partners even if Callie had.

On our part, we knew we wouldn't have been able to withstand seeing her again with another girl. It was just too much for us to handle  at the time.

Now that Callie had seemed to find someone who was worthy of her, maybe Arizona had a mixture of feeling left out or alone, combined with the feeling of not finding anyone worthy of her love yet.

Her brief chat with Abe triggered those emotions, so when she finally found solace, while gathering surgical necessities at the supply closet, that's when she let it all out.

The Supply Closet Chronicles Part 2

Arizona was distraught. I could only guess that maybe she was very sad about Abe and a love story cut short by death, or maybe she felt sorry for herself or maybe she thought that when she finally had someone inspire her to find hope in love again, he was suddenly gone.

Good thing bestie April entered the supply closet and comforted the dreary Arizona.

April: What happened?
Arizona: Nothing I'm fine
April: What happened?
Arizona: I don't even know why Im crying. He wasn't even my patient. He wasn't even a baby. He was 90.
April: Who was 90?
Arizona: Abe. He love. He met the love of his life when he was 85 and he was gonna propose to her but he died.
April: I'm sorry
Arizona: I felt that i could talk to him forever. He made me feel like.. I never really believed that I'd find love again. Not anything real or true. I thought i had it, i screwed up and that was over. Then he was madly in love at 85. And that is proof that there is more love out there. And Callie might have found hers, and I can find mine, even if It's in 60 years.

April: But I don't wanna find my soulmate when Im 90. I met mine already and he wants a divorce.

Sarah Drew's/April's perfect segue was so hilarious that my emotions for Arizona turned to a howl of laughter for what I knew would be a punchline waiting to be said...

Arizona: Oh sweetie, this is about me. This isn't about you.

Before i say how much this scene made me cry and laugh again, I have to mention these points to remember from Arizona's speech:

1. The reason why she had not been searching for a new relationship is that somehow she had given up hope on finding a new love. Maybe she had believed that after screwing up her marriage, she just gave up hope of finding a relationship that was at least up to par with her relationship with Callie

2. Abe's story remarkably inspired her and spurred new hope that there is still a chance for a new love, even if it will take a long time.

3. Maybe she still wanted to talk to Abe so that he could continue to inspire her. Maybe her hopes were not as strong and maybe she needed someone else to remind her that she could still find true love.

So maybe she broke down in tears because she was afraid and was feeling a lack of courage about finding a new love. Maybe she was grieving the fact that her new found hope died too, together with Abe.

4. I hope that Arizona will just use this moment to inspire her more and give her courage.

As she said, Abe wasn't even her patient and not even a child. So in essence, it was like fate had her meet Abe, and Abe was a significant passer-by to remind her of new hope.

I wish that she takes this experience with Abe as a positive one and lead her to find love again.

I knew I was almost crying with Arizona but then April shifted the sorrowful attention to herself and it became a drama turned comedy instantly. And to make things even more hilarious was Arizona stating the obvious fact that the spotlight was on her and not on April. My tears of sadness turned into tears from laughing too much.

What began as confiding of feelings and thoughts became a tug of war of tears and vying for who was more lonely and who deserved consolation.

One thing i know for sure, trust  that : Arizona plus April plus supply closet plus drama, equals non-stop laughter.

Team Aprizona always rocks.

And kudos to Grey's for giving us drama then making us laugh.

Perfect perfect comedic timing from both Sarah and Jessica. They're the funniest comedic onscreen besties  nowadays. Woot woot.

Arizona Is Not Ready

Finally, at the dinner party, Arizona and April were on the couch when April announces that Callie has arrived with her redhead girlfriend.

Arizona: Is that Jackson?
April: No it's Callie

Arizona: Oh God
April: I didn't know her new girlfriend was a redhead.
Arizona: Oh no. I need more alcohol I'm not ready.

Seems that to Arizona, every detail about this new girl will be something to react about.

When it sunk in that Callie and her new girl were about to make an entrance, Arizona was all nerves, she made that one big long glass-emptying gulp of her wine to probably drown her jitters or awkwardness upon finally seeing Callie's new girl. She just was not ready.

It hurts. I could feel Arizona's tension. Should I say every Calzona fan felt the same way Arizona did? Suffice it to say, we all shared Arizona's anxiety about seeing Penny.

Personally, i had been waiting for this, yet deep inside, I dreaded it too. And the time of reckoning has come.

The closing VO may be applied to  Arizona's current situation:

"...No matter how uncomfortable they make us, and there can be rewards for stepping outside our comfort zone, even when the thought of it makes us wanna puke even when we want nothing more than to run screaming for help.

That's why people love to say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. But sometimes those people don't know what the hell they're talking about."


Since I am a self-confessed die hard true-blue Calzona fan, it is easy to know whom I do not like to see on my screen. And of course, any character who stands in the way of my OTP can kiss the screen goodbye.

Honestly,  at this time when this separation is mutually agreed upon by Callie and Arizona and that they are peacefully apart, I have to respect their life choices.

Also, we saw how happy Callie is right now, i would have to say that she deserves that so much. It has been too long since we saw Callie genuinely happy. And i think that as much as we want them to be together now, it is not realistic because they are not in that place right now.

In stark contrast to Callie's present happiness, Arizona as we have seen is kind of lonely and sad. And even pained by the thought of Callie having a new girl.

It is cute really because there is a strong possibility that she does still love  Callie. Why would she be bothered if Callie didn't matter to her romantically anymore? By the way she reacted at the dinner party where she needed the aid of alcohol to shield herself from facing the reality of Callie's new girl, it goes without saying she is jealous because by these actions, it can be interpreted as she does still care about Callie.

Callie too cared about Arizona enough by being careful about "flaunting" her new girl. She respected Arizona enough and cared that she did not feel awkward nor hurt.

The thought of seeing Callie with another woman has always been a dreadful thought for any Calzona fan.   Seeing Arizona with other women in the past seasons had injured my heart enough.

And just like Arizona, we have to face what we fear. With alcohol or not. For that may not kill us nor make us stronger, will sure build our and Arizona's character. And we have to face it for the sake of their individual happiness.

Next episode  is the day we will see that encounter. Where Callie, Arizona and Penny will see each other face to face. In front of their friends and colleagues.

Will Arizona be drunk then? If she will be, if this is the way that she can manage it, then so be it,

Serious Note to self: Be nice to Penny. She did nothing wrong. She may have bungled  giving proper medical care to Derek but to us Calzona fans, the only thing she has done was make Callie happy. And that's reason enough to respect their relationship. Much as it hurts.

As we saw how Arizona is looking forward with hope for new love as inspired by Abe, maybe in the not so distant future, we will see her with a new girl too.

My insides are uncomfortable talking about my broken up OTP with their present and future lovers, but if this is a winding bumpy curve in that so called journey, then okay. I will wait and see how it unfolds.

Anyway, no matter how many partners they end up with, my faith in the love story of Callie and Arizona remains rock solid.

Timing is everything. This too shall pass. After all is said and done, they will find their way back to each other. And only genuine Calzona faith can make me say that.

For now, we already know who's coming to dinner.

So let's meet Penny.

And enjoy the ride.

Calzona Forever of course.




Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Mentor and The Adviser

Calzona Review 12x03 "I Choose You"

This episode tackled the progress in growth of two of its main characters, and our beloved Callie and Arizona were not just witnesses but supportive comrades to Alex and Meredith.

Arizona the Mentor

We saw Arizona as a very proud mentor to Alex. 

Alex was handling a difficult case of twin babies having fatal tumors at birth. He was facing a dilemma of having to choose between the two babies, which one to prioritize for liver transplant and Arizona was quite impressed by how her student had grown up and become mature enough to make sound decisions. That's because Arizona Robbins was a good teacher. She taught Alex well.

And she ably guided her former student when the going got tough.

Alex: Screw it im not making this call. If there's a decision  to be made about withdrawing care from an infant, ...Bailey should do it. She's Chief. She could do it not me

Arizona: Hey hey no Alex what are you doing? I have been watching you i have been in awe of you. Stepping up for these babies for these parents in a way you remember that first time we ever talked? Really talked? We were on a plane and we just picked up a transplant organ from a kid who died and you were upset and pissy cause you felt that I didnt care but I thought "wow. This guy could do it. He cares enough about this work. This guy has it." And I knew that day Alex. And today, I had been so proud of you.  And so now you cant. You cant hand it over to somebody else. Because theyre yours. And they need you and you can do it and you have to because if you give it to Bailey, you wont be able to look yourself in a mirror. You'll always wonder what kind of doctor you could be. This is the job, Alex. And it's why you get paid the big bucks.

She was the voice of  reason. She was there for Alex at a crucial time like this
Also, she cared enough about Alex to remind him to get some much needed rest

"You need food and a shower and sleep. You need to walk away for a minute. Im serious."
And through all those times that Arizona gave him advice, it was always nice to see the respect that Alex has for her. He listened and he followed Arizona's reminders and wise advice.

Watching the mentor-student relationship between Arizona and Alex has always been  wonderful. And we missed it a lot. It's great that the show has given us another glimpse of this solid relationship  based on mutual respect. 

Callie the Adviser

Meredith, meanwhile had problems of not asserting herself enough to get the remuneration she deserves so she did not escape Callie's blunt repetitive reminders that "i make a lot more than you"

She did not fail to egg Meredith on to negotiate for higher pay, reminding Meredith (and herself too) how she negotiated for herself and was very successful about it.

While listening to Maggie's sob story though, Callie did mention something that i could not help but notice.

Maggie was drunk and consoling herself about her former dating partner who was now getting hitched. Maggie was lamenting how it has only been six months since they've been over and the ex is ready to get married over that short span of time.

Maggie: another 6 months, he finds someone else he's ready to spend the rest of his life with?
Callie:I get that, that can happen

So what did she mean by that?

Obviously Callie's past experiences made her to say that. She knows that even if  fresh from a break up, one can fall in love and decide to spend the rest of her life with that person.

Maybe too, that she is so in love with that mystery girl right now, and maybe she is implying that her current girlfriend is wife material? Hmmm.

That's how it sounds to me, and sure,  it's fine if she does think that.

The thing is, it won't happen because i say so. ;)

The suspense builds. We're getting closer to the day that we will meet this mystery girl that Callie is in love with.

I'm excited and not. Especially about who's coming to dinner on 12x05.

Let's wait and see how it plays out.

Holding on. And taking a deep breath.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A New Love

Calzona Review 12x02 "Walking Tall"

There is a new love in Callie's life.

And it isn't  Arizona.

And 12x02 is the episode that let that sink in.

There had been much media hype before this episode aired,  that both will date other people and i believe much  prep time had already been provided to us. If you are still not ready for this, well high five. Neither am I.

Callie met someone

Callie was busy and all agog over the new apple of her eye.

She had been excitedly telling her pals about it and on this occasion of prepping for New Chief Bailey's surprise breakfast, Callie had been chatting with Maggie and Amelia about her new love interest.

Callie was gushing and it seemed like after the several women and men that she had dated, she had finally found a worthy person who gets her.

Much as it hurts me personally to say it, Callie appeared to be really smitten, and the girl (im pretending I dont know who the girl will be) seems to be smitten by her too. And Callie is nothing short of amazed:

"She asked to see me again . Its crazy. You know when you meet someone and you get that flutter rush and it feels like you know them and they know you and you say to yourself "i could stare at this person's face forever." Do you know what i mean? Or maybe not"

She didn't know though that Arizona was within earshot.

I was relieved to see a somehow apologetic Callie glancing at Arizona in surprise.

Arizona dissolved the awkward atmosphere by changing the subject and seemed to be unaffected by it, but later on we discover she was not unaffected at all. Which i secretly liked. I like a little jealousy between the members of my ship .

Arizona the rash whisperer

Arizona was changing in the locker room with April and as she asked April if she had talked with Jackson yet, she discovered April's hideous rash, suspected to come from her stint overseas.

This was coupled with April's struggle with staying awake that it felt like morphine.

So, as Arizona worried that April might be contagious citing that she worked with babies, April was sentenced by Chief Bailey to the isolation bubble. Cant not be quarantined with that kind of rash.

Arizona, being the dutiful bestie that she was, told April not to worry for she promised to visit her best friend in her bubble "prison."

Arizona reminded me so much of Yang when she said tongue in cheek, "i will visit you, i promise."

Paper Panties and Aprizona

Arizona had been the best friend that she was. She made good on her promise and on her visit, she was consoling the distraught April.

April: I have on paper panties. You know how paper panties feel?

Arizona: I imagine that there's some chafing

Okay, Listen, its a chance to relax. So you should take a nap and get rid of your jet lag. Or read, it's like a spa

April: I am in a bubble. I am trapped in a bubble. Jackson, he came in once. Took a look at me and then walked away. And i couldn't go after him because the bubble doesn't travel

Arizona : No it does not.

April: I am alone in here. I am trapped like a bug. Like some kind of a nasty bug and I'm covered in disease. You would think that he would want to talk to me. I'm gonna die of a mysterious disease with a chafed buggy ass and I'm all alone!

Arizona: Oh oh don't freak out. You've been in here for like an hour.

April: Its not that. It's Jackson

Arizona: How can i help?

April: Um just talk.  talk about something else. Anything.

And here, Arizona found the perfect time to open up and release her pent up feelings. And she said it in so many body movements that made it obvious that she was anxious or bothered about it.

Arizona: Okay um okay oh here's the thing. Callie, met someone

She was trying to act like it was the most normal thing, but her gestures were a tad bit extraneous.

April: Oh uhm so are u okay with that?

Arizona: Yeah super. Awesome.

April: That's great then

Arizona: I mean we should be happy for her. She SOUNDS happy. You know happier than she's ever been. She says.  i mean apparently like FOREVER happy.

April: Do we have to talk about this?

Arizona: Well if she does. Cause she started talking to everybody about it.

Funny how the confiding /consoling session originally supposed to be April's time for a sob story, had slowly become Arizona's time to air her problems. And April was not going to let that happen right then.

Aprizona scenes, i noticed, are always funny especially when they are both facing trying times. This friendship is one of the golden ones that's always enjoyable  to watch. In a word, they're usually HILARIOUS.

 On Friends with benefits

Callie, meanwhile had been part of the group of docs who had been disappointed with Bailey's overly hands-on approach as chief that she had to blurt out to Owen to come back as Chief. "i loved you as Chief"

After the united front against Bailey's dictatorial ways, Callie's dialogue with Amelia (who was quiet when Owen asked for suggestions,) was another funny moment :

Callie quizzed Amelia on her silence to Owen about Bailey. Which led Amelia to confide:

Amelia: Have you ever had a friend who's like a really good friend but u just wanna make out with them all the time?

Callie: Oh yeah i used to do that for years.

Amelia: And what happened?

Callie: Sofia.

Amelia got the answer she did not expect .

This was all too familiar territory for Callie. This was her, years ago, and it was heartwarming that this scene reminded us about Mark. Her best friend. The friend with whom she could do all things with, yes including sexy stuff, with no emotions attached, and still remaining to be best friends.

Also, it is really nice to see Callie being adviser of both halves of Omelia. Cause thats how good a friend she is.

All she's saying is..."like her"

This last scene with Calzona together, made me want to forget that i wanted to see a Calzona scene but okay, okay. It's all part of the journey.

This may be a stopover i dread but i guess i need to grin and bear it.

Callie: oh! Arizona! Here, Sofia forgot this. We're on uh... We made it to page 12. She is exhausted so you can probably get away with an early bedtime

Arizona: thanks. Hey, um, big date?

Callie: you heard?

Arizona: yeah! I mean, everybody heard. You know, you can tell me, Callie. You can always tell me.

Callie : Yeah?

Arizona: Yeah

Callie: You'd like her. She's funny and sharp and um we dont just find the same things funny...we say the same thing at the same time

Arizona : Okay no yeah you can dial back the enthusiasm.

Callie: No really. It's like we share the same brain.

All I'm saying is, like her.

Since we saw the sneak peek, one thought was in my mind.  Callie is happy. She is gushing. First time in a long time we have ever seen her like this.

Can't help but have mixed feelings.

Of course I'm happy that Callie is happy. And having met someone whom she feels shares her brain, has the same thoughts, (just like Arizona then, remember when they said they had the same thoughts? yeah)  that is really cool.

Not saying that this girl is the new Arizona in her life. But people do say the qualities that this girl possesses may be similar to what attracted her to Arizona in the first place. She sees shades of Arizona's personality on this woman and this is what makes her drawn to the person? Maybe.

She is funny and sharp and shares same thoughts. They click in that way and it really is wonderful to see Callie finally happy and speaking about another human being with such adoration.

Callie had gone through a lot with their marriage troubles and all. She had always been very loving and giving, forgiving even if there was infidelity.

now that they are apart, its time to focus on herself and what makes her happy. How long has it been since we saw that twinkle in Callie's eye ?

Gushing wildly about an individual who seems to be really compatible with her?

Out of all her dates which led to nowhere: steak knives, cop guy, this was the one date for whom she had heaping praises. 

It hurt to see Arizona's reaction. She felt the need to open up to April. Maybe because she could not hold it in.

It hurt her that it was like Callie was overjoyed at her new love that she was not exactly shy to tell everyone about her.

Maybe if they had moved on, as we have assumed , i question why Arizona is still bothered . Maybe it means one thing, which is maybe, she still has not moved on completely. Since the break up, Arizona had never really dated other people. Not even once. Nor did we see her ever consider that. Well at least not on screen.

Callie, meanwhile, has apparently moved on. It kinda hurts because it means one thing. She has reached closure. And has truly opened up her heart to another person. 

She has been having dates here and there and Arizona seemed to be okay with it. But this one person about whom Callie was excited to tell everyone about, has made Arizona feel a little jealous, maybe. Or maybe it hurts her. But of course she isn't  admitting that. She was even bravely telling Callie to tell her all about her new love interests. But when Callie did let out how thrilled she was about this new girl, Arizona realized she couldn't take it. Not yet.

Maybe when she does see how serious Callie is with this girl, that's when her total acceptance of the situation will set in.

I'm rooting for Callie's happiness and Arizona's happiness. They both deserve it.

Callie has gone on ahead with moving on and we have to give that to her. She is making the most out of a long period of love setbacks and this time, maybe she feels she is finally blessed with having a human being who is truly right for her.

She is concerned about Arizona of course. And that is the reason she wasnt openly telling Arizona about it. That's how much she respects Arizona.

They are friends. Co-parents to Sofia. And it isnt bad at all for each to seek out their own happiness.

Who knows, one day soon, Arizona will also find someone who can be special to her too.

Talks of filming at a lesbian bar had spurred speculation that maybe this is where Arizona will find her new romantic interest.

For now we have no choice but to be happy for Callie.

Even if I'm sad about it and that I became even sadder when I saw Arizona  sad about it too.

Bottom line is, i want both of them happy and none of the rest of it matters.

Time to buck up and be open to these changes. It's a long, winding road.

Remember the preshus journey.

And Trust it. Cause Shonda said so. *insert wink emoji*

Calzona for Always.

