Sunday, March 23, 2014

Now That's True Friendship

Calzona Review 10x16  We Gotta Get Out of This Place

After so much Calzona in the last episode, it was expected that the next few episodes will have less minutes of them, and this is just fine because after all, it is an ensemble cast and there are many  other characters' SL’s to  tackle too.

However,  the usual short Calzona scenes were gratifying. They were brilliant individual scenes which shed light on each of their personalities, and of course,  their scenes together were hands down, adorable.

In this episode, we discover a different side to Calliope. Although we know how badass she can be, it was interesting to see another dimension to her personality. The episode also delves into her friendship with Derek, which  of course, made us appreciate her and Derek all the more.

Also, we noticed how the happy , light scenes that we longed for for Calzona, are slowly inching their way back to our screens, and yes, we enjoyed this episode immensely because of  these hilarious scenes that serve as the perfect relief after all the drama that we had been through.

Notable were the opening and closing voice-overs, very relevant to many of the characters’  transition stages, the moving on stages…after reeling from pain after their own storms, after new changes, the "getting back up after the fall"…

The transitions-- “in the meantime” stages which may not be very easy,actually still  painful for some of them,  but which all have to go through, to get to better things, to feel better about things, to fulfill better dreams….

There’s a stage you go through during childbirth. And it’s the toughest part. It’s called the transition stage.  You’ve been pushing so hard and so long, youre exhausted, spent,  and there’s nothing to show for all of your effort. During this transition stage, it feels like you cant go on. But only because you're very nearly there.”

The Birthday Surprise denial people

Just as we wished, the  happy, "glowy" sparkle-y Arizona is back! She joins Bailey in the very first scene where they join Julio, I mean Richard,  and Owen in the elevator, trying so hard to deny that a surprise birthday party was being planned.

It was nothing less than a comical scene and it was really fun to adjust to watching Arizona  be part of a drama-less scene.  If you just observe, she had been smiling and funnily reacting the whole time and just had to drop a “Happy Birthday though” to Richard, still nonchalantly denying the surprise.

And this happy Arizona vibe is to go on for the rest of the episode. Hallelujah!

The ones in labcoats and the one in a suit

This brewing conflict about the sensors seems to have come to a head, as highlighted in this catalytic scene with Derek,  Callie and Owen

Derek: Hey Callie what happened to my surgery. I was supposed to remove the sensors..and I found out my surgery is cancelled
Owen : Dr Torres came to me with a concern about an intellectual property conflict between you two
Derek: What is this about, the sensors?
Callie: Yes Derek,  about our sensors
Owen: Look let's just talk. I'm sure we can find a solution
Derek: Who’s this?

Callie: Oh that’s Paula. She’s my lawyer

Callie said that so matter-of-factly.  

We heard that right. Badass Calliope means business. And it involves legal means.

Those sensors were co-owned by her and Derek. Hearing of the news that their work will be discontinued just did not sit well with her. It was unfair, she was not about to take it sitting down.

Derek was her friend, but this professional turn of events was not in any angle, fair to all concerned. There was an injustice here and Callie was at the losing end.

She poured hard work into this research, she was not about to just let it go that easily just because the government tried to pull in Derek for special work.

And here we see the Callie that we know, with even more depth to her badassness. She was not being mean or not being a friend. She was just staying true to her principles and standing for fairness, justice.

She is kindhearted and all, but you just cant step all over Calliope Iphigenia. No way.

Happy Arizona

Then comes a  scene where Arizona interrupts a Jolex discussion to remind Alex about a certain procedure, and Arizona is treated as a key element in making this scene light, to contribute to make the Jolex issue a not very serious thing, about signing that document for the new rule on fraternization.

Arizona: Hey Alex we have a transoral application I sent you the latest labs
Alex: What's that?
Arizona: Oh it’s really really cool first we go in orally and then we go on through the belly button to fix the kids’ reflux without leaving a scar.....

It sounded really cool for Jo but not enough for her to sign the paper.

See, if we had a drinking game, and took a shot of tequila for every scene that we saw Arizona smile, sobriety would not be a word  by episode's end.

The sensors conflict continues

Next comes Callie and Derek’s continuation talks.

Derek: This is nothing I’m doing to you. I have a side contract with them
Callie: You had no right to sign. You signed away something that’s ours
Derek: We spent half the day together yesterday why didn’t you say something
Callie: We had a playdate we were with the kids
Derek: Oh we have Sofia’s ... Doll, I think Zola thought it was hers

Oops, Derek, you clumsily left that wide open. It was what Callie just needed for the slam dunk

Callie: Ha, Like father like daughter, I guess

I cannot stop laughing. Callie can give out the most sarcastic jabs and come out so hilarious. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's the genius of Sara Ramirez.

Owen interrupts : 

Owen: We’re drifting here
Callie: Yes you're right Im sorry, that was unprofessional, what I should have said was,  

The sensors are materials you co developed with me. In service of research I started and invited you to participate in. If you attempt to impair my access to these materials, I will have you prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

The Lawyer butts in : "well said"

Derek: This is insane, you don’t have a case
Owen: Listen, before anyone resorts to litigation, let me just take this before the other board members, maybe we can find a solution, that's fair to both parties, in the meantime, I want you both to leave this matter alone, until you hear from me. All right?

Noticeable in all this  conflict between Derek and Callie, was the support of the people around them.

They were noble enough to seek a solution to peace.

In this instance, Owen, as chief of surgery, had been acting chiefly, trying to mediate between the parties, and I think that part of this mediation effort too, is in a personal capacity.

Admirable in these Greys characters, is that they are fine people. They did not condone conflict. They did not add  to the brewing tension. They wanted to pacify it.

That fun lunch scene!

Then comes a very fun scene. Why fun? Because it’s a fun lunch scene. So happy to see that fun lunch scenes are back on Grey’s Anatomy, which I think we missed since season 9.

The gloomy air that pervaded  Grey’s Anatomy in Season 9 till early parts of season 10, is slowly fading away  and the light scenes we have come to love in the earlier seasons are back!

Cristina and Mer and Alex were having their own lunch banter when wife and wife team Callie and Arizona joined their table.

Angry Callie was uncontrollable

Callie: I hate your husband   (addressed to Mer)
Arizona: Owen said not to talk about it

Callie: Im not.  Im talking to myself. I hate Derek Shepherd. Why? Cause he’s an arrogant stealing bastard. Haaa, I totally agree.

Now this self on self dialogue takes the trophy for funniest scene of the episode.

Nobody could have done it better than Callie, or Sara for that matter.

She was angry. There was no stopping her from ranting. Mer was right there, and she was frank enough to tell Mer that she is displeased with her husband.

What was admirable was that Mer did not engage when Callie was ranting. 

That was her husband Callie was talking bad things about but she chose to just listen and keep quiet.

Just like Owen, she did not fan the flames of the out and out conflict. They knew that Callie and Derek were friends, it would have been unethical or improper to take sides on an issue like this and make the problem worse.

Even Arizona was trying to pacify Callie. Reminded her about what she agreed about with Owen. 

Arizona did not make matters worse either. She respected both Callie and Derek enough to let them work this out. Noble and decent people indeed.

It did not even matter who was right or wrong or who misunderstood whom. They just stayed in the sidelines, and let Callie pour out her angered emotions.

Even funnier, was Cristina’s apathy to the situation, when from out of nowhere, since she was too busy with her internet dating efforts for Owen, she popped the question to the lesbian couple, cause she badly needed advice for potential dates for him:

Cristina: Do you ladies think she’s hot?  

Then Arizona’s deadpan , honest reflex reply

Arizona: Yeah, very

There it is again, shall we just say, Arizona knows how to appreciate real beauty.

Callie, whose mood was similar to Mt Vesuvius, could not believe Arizona’s answer. Oh, was there a hint of jealousy, there? Cute.

Callie: And now I hate you   

and then walks away.

Arizona’s still-deadpan reaction shot couldn't be any more hilarious

Some quarters have criticized this scene's throwaway line. Sensitivity was expressed probably because the issues of Callie and Arizona regarding infidelity had been too fresh, and this topic was not to be a joking matter at this early stage.

However, in my personal opinion, I believe it is just a plot device, it just sets the mood for future playful banter about the infidelity and any other sensitive topic altogether, involving Callie and Arizona.

I would like to think the writer inserted this funny situation, to make light of what had been a very serious thing for half a season’s worth of drama.

I just took it to mean that Callie and Arizona can now talk  about things like this in a not so serious manner. That Arizona still has that innate appreciation for beauty and Callie knows that, and that Callie can be straightforward with Arizona, about how she objects to it.

It’s part of being open to each other, being candid, even in front of other people. Nothing wrong with that. I would even be more bothered if Arizona feigned disinterest in the picture Cristina showed. I would be more disappointed if Callie just kept her jealous disgusted reaction  to herself.

Openness is not wrong. It’s even a positive sign, for a couple who had a big communication difficulty for a long time.

Arizona got her groove back

Next scene Arizona asks Alex about their surgery, just when Alex and Jo were discussing the document signing once again

Arizona: Hey Alex, our guy’s  being prepped
Alex: For what?

Alex saw this  opening to attract Jo’s attention to sign the paper so she could join the peds case

Alex:  the cool trans oral thing? Cutting edge? Only being done in a few top level peds surge programs?

Arizona: Yeah, that’s the one
Alex: Okay, let’s do it

Arizona was amused. She sensed there was something going on and she flashed that puzzled adorable  smile, a new smile I never saw before.

 So far, she had been consistent. All her scenes had been light or all-smiles.

Applause applause. This is progress, indeed. A welcome relief, too. So refreshing to see her smiling while doctoring again-- without drama.

Not an asterisk but a butthole

Next scene, we see Derek entering a room to talk to Callie.

Callie’s stance was non-negotiable with her “stealing bastard” friend

Callie: I’m not talking to you
Derek: Just listen. If  you understood what the brain mapping project can do, you would share your technology.
Callie: Share? I'm sharing now? You're stealing it. You're stealing it.

Derek was insistent and went to the whiteboard to do a mini-lecture on the brain and all its ways.

"Callie, the brain has more nerve cells than humans on earth. We wanna understand how all those neurons interact, so we’re gonna start with a smaller group like everybody here in the hospital, and we’re gonna determine how they interact with each other"

Callie: Stop patronizing me. You're just saying your thing is more important than mine

Derek: Im saying my thing feeds your thing. It will revolutionize our understanding of what it means to be human
Callie: And yet, you wouldn’t have had the sensors if it weren't for my thing you selfish …
Derek: Sefish!  
Callie: Here, let me show you a diagram

And Callie walked toward the whiteboard to make  her own doodle.

Derek: I'm an asterisk

And here we see  Callie in all her Badassness Demeanor

Callie: This is you, you think you are the white hot center of the universe , also , it looks like a butthole. Either way, it works.

And I laughed all the way to the next scene, my brain actually ached from laughing. Yes, that was Callie Torres talking to Dr Derek Shepherd. We heard right.  She said "butthole."

Callie understood 

The next scene shows Callie and Derek still deep into their discussion about the sensors

Callie: It just comes down to this. My research is just as important as yours. Youre talking about microspcopic neurons, im talking about giving a person the ability to walk again. This is important and you wouldn’t have come up with the sensors if it wasn’t for my work . Sensors were an answer to a question I asked you

Derek: It was my answer! Don’t fight this Callie, you don’t want to.
Callie: Why cause you have government lawyers now, I'm not gonna be bullied

Derek: You don’t have a case. My name is on the material. My name is on the patents, they're mine. You can hear it from me now, you're gonna hear it from a judge in court. My suggestion, save your time and money. Listen to me.  As your friend, I'm sorry. I feel terrible.

Callie: There’s a reason you feel  terrible. Cause it’s the wrong thing to do and you know it. You're not used to answering to people. Now you have the President himself calling you on the phone and you're afraid to say no. Even though you know this is a hundred percent wrong. You're a good person. That’s why you feel bad. Cause you should.

This is a  powerful scene. It’s a look into the inner depths of a personal friendship, conflicted with professional interests.  Callie and Derek’s friendship.

Theirs was caught in a professional imbroglio. A sensitive one at that.  And both have their own reasons.

It was wonderful to note that even if they were on opposite poles on this, even if Callie was blinded by anger, and Derek was offended by Callie venting her anger on him, even resorting to name calling, they still had that effort to understand each other.

It is touching to note that this shows that theirs is a real friendship. A strong one. Apart from the stunted litigation attempt, they kept it private, just between the two of them, they argued on the merits of the issue. And it helped so much that their families, their colleagues, were decent enough not to  join in to fan the flame.

It was a mature conflict between two good individuals, caught in a difficult professional situation.

This could have easily eroded their friendship. But what they did not forget, was to understand and to listen and to respect what the other had to say.

Derek  did not want to do this to Callie. We saw that in the previous episode, but his hands were tied to avoid the circumstance. And he did apologize to Callie, with that sincere “As your friend, I'm sorry I feel terrible."

It was a big thing. A big point. Derek did not let himself get carried away by Callie’s ranting and name calling. He understood why Callie was angry. He understood Callie. And he listened and he apologized and told Callie what he felt about it.

He just really had no choice.

Callie, in the meantime, as we know her to be forgiving and understanding especially to her wife, was again admirable for those words to Derek.

It just showed that even if she was too hurt by all this, she still found it in herself to understand Derek. She knew her friend. She knew he would not betray her. And when  Derek said he felt bad, she knew it was because Derek was a good person who had a conscience. Who  would not be happy about “stealing” the sensors. She could still manage to see that positive trait in Derek, even if she was hurting.

It was that wonderful friendship dynamic of these two that uplifted both their character images in my eyes. 

This kind of attitude, about seeing principle as imperative, about both standing up for what was right,  and upholding  friendship as more important than professional conflicts.  Friendship was more important than egos, after the  anger shown by Callie. 

Derek understood that Callie had become emotional about it, but he abstained from engaging Callie. He explained his side.

They overthrew the government

As the episode went on, it seemed that  Derek had realized the importance of the rights of Callie as co-developer of the sensors, and the importance of their friendship, when Derek gave the NIH people  a call. 

Callie was with him during the call and even introduced her to the famous Lloyd from the NIH.
Lloyd's video call capability was still defective so he could not see Callie’s beautiful face even as she eagerly said Hi to Lloyd.

Derek took a stand. He was going to fight for sharing of the sensors because Callie co –developed the sensors with him.

Derek: I'm afraid this whole proprietory thing isn’t gonna work. Dr Torres' and my work has to continue with our sensors.

Even as Lloyd presented his colleagues, involved with the brain mapping initiative,  as being participative in the video call, funny how Derek wrote “Bullies” on a post it note , signaling to Callie that these were the bullies who would pressure him to not share work with the sensors.

He even placed the post-it on the computer screen which really brought a light touch to a serious talk with government people regarding brain mapping projects.

It was a friendship thing.

Derek was not fazed by the “Bullies”

Derek:Our working at the brain is like the brain itself, it's dependent upon connections.Innovation and inspiration. Of scientists like Dr Torres and millions of others.

As Derek was saying this, Callie was visibly cheering  him on silently. They were a team once again. They’ve gone back to being the Brain Mapping Dream Team.

Derek: If we have a policy that towards innovation then we're stopping even before we start. It’s a fundamentally wrong approach. And I cant support it.

Derek: We are willing to share our sensors with you. But only if our work continues. If everybody’s research continues.
Lloyd: Your contract is very clear. We have sole right to your sensors or you are out
Derek: Then I am out

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Derek Shepherd took a stand, for truth, he stood up for what was right, he stood up for friendship.

He knew this arrangement was unfair to Callie. Professionally. And as a friend too, he was defending this.

And Callie was visibly  amazed even admiring what Derek was courageously doing.

Derek: You can tell that to the president. Better yet, get him on the phone, I will tell him myself. Either the policy goes, or I go.

Lloyd paused and Callie was too tense to hear what was to happen next...

Lloyd: We will have to figure out a way to share

And that was the moment of triumph for the Dream Team. It was high time for a 33 second dance party.

That dance that Callie danced was the most adorable dance ever.

They won. The Brain Mapping Dream Team won. They stood for what they felt was right. Derek took a stand. Most especially, he honored the fact that Callie was his friend.

Now that’s  friendship. He was going to give up the government project for the sake of principle, he owed that to Callie. He was not a selfish bastard. He did it for what was proper. He did it for friendship and his commitment to the friendship.

I cant help but gush about this display of loyalty and commitment.

Now that’s what I call true friendship.

And that’s what I call a cool dance.

You go, Callie!

The Surprise Birthday Party

The last scene brings us to Richard’s surprise- birthday-party-after-all.

It did happen and I couldn’t help but notice Arizona’s happy countenance, all smiles, and her earrings were lovely too!

I hope everyone noticed her  excited reaction too, when she saw Callie.

They were concerned when Callie and Derek  arrived

Mer:  Hey Arizona told me that Jacksn put together a committee to look into this thing, for you and Callie.

Callie: You can tell them to stop
Arizona: Why what happened?

Arizona and Mer were puzzled

And Callie broke out with her victorious:
Callie: We overthrew the government today! Im thirsty!

"Transition is movement. From one part of life, to a whole new one. And it can feel like one long scary dark tunnel.  But you have to come out the other side. Because what's been waiting there, might be glorious."            

Yes, this is the glorious part. The light at the end of the dark tunnel. Our beloved characters and beloved couple had gone through the difficult and dark times, and had emerged from it victoriously, both in their personal relationships and their careers.                    

It was a Happy Calzona Episode. Happy all-smiles Arizona is back to her glowy shiny self.. Badass Callie fought for herself, her  principles. Callie strengthened her friendship bond with Derek. All’s well in Calzonaland.

Of course, we're waiting for more sweet funny light tender loving moments in the next episodes!

Just the normal number of minutes this episode for Calzona, but that doesn't matter, because whenever they're happy and funny  together, that's good enough for us!

Till then. 



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