Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Punk Rock and Steak Knives

Calzona Review 11x16  “Don’t Dream It’s Over”

Because of this episode,  I’ve taken a liking to the sound of the word “ steak knives” and the idea of Arizona in punk rock t-shirts.

I dreaded this episode.  Why? Why not?

That scene we saw in the sneak peek was too discouraging to see, really. But Jessica’s tweets about there having a twist made me brave enough to watch and Im happy I did. 

Why? Many fans like me actually thought that scene would be the last scene of this ep. Little did we know that after the Japril action in the supply closet and the Omelia action in the on-call room, which were both cut short, incidentally for different reasons, this scene of Callie with that woman with the Portia hair happened.

That  Scene

She walked Callie into the hospital, Trying to prolong her half date with Callie who got paged for a trauma emergency. Callie apologized for the date that was cut short but Heather, the Portia-haired woman in pink,  understood:

 “Your profile did say crazy hours.  And you’re  off to go save a life. What’s hotter than that,”
So Callie had been online dating. Okay.

Callie did suggest that they do it again sometime, and the woman did jump to the end of that first date and gave Callie that 28-second kiss that was so painful to watch.

And as we saw in the sneak, who else would happen to see them enjoy that tender kiss but ex-wife Arizona.

Arizona watched that kiss from a glass portion of a door, and she did stare for like 17 seconds.

I was feeling so much pain seeing her see that kiss. I was thinking she was jealous. That she was hurt. Even if Callie was her ex, seeing her for the first time kiss another woman was obviously painful. I felt pain so I assumed Arizona did too. Little did I know….

Callie was grinning to herself, and evidently enjoyed the kiss but  then she saw Arizona staring at them kissing, so her enjoyment of the kiss seemed cut short. There was guilt in her. AWKWARDNESS. As Arizona walked nearer to her as she was on her way to a trauma patient too

Arizona: I need to go to the pit
Callie: Me too
Arizona: Great
Callie: Okay
In the elevator, yes, it was an elevator scene, the first of two in this ep , the cuteness of their awkwardness sticks like glue:
Arizona: So, big trauma coming in huh
Callie: Yeah car accident I think
Arizona: Yeah I heard there were two victims, maybe more.
Callie: Yeah


Arizona: I like your uh dress
Callie: Thanks
Arizona: I don’t remember that one
Callie: It’s new

All through this awkward conversation, they barely looked at each other in the eye. Both were…shy…

Thank goodness  the elevator door opened and eventually  ended the uncomfortable situation.

Callie and her Costume Change

I must comment though on how Callie entered the trauma room. In a rockstar wonder-woman fashion.

There was no time to waste. Wonder woman Doctor Torres could multitask and how.
She was sexily and quickly  changing clothes as Jo briefed her about the case. How sexier another  surgeon can do this better than Callie Torres, I just don’t think that is possible.
Even Owen, Chief of Surgery  had to comment:

Owen : Oh you’re changing clothes, you know we have attending’ lounges for that
Callie: Yeah , no time. Let’s go.

Callie shared a patient with Mer, and Stephanie, assisting them, was too conscious about Mer’s so-called streak of not losing patients for 89 straight surgeries.

Arizona’s patient was lost, got out from her bed but was then  found.

The patient  Blair, was hurt when a car smashed into their house. And she was pregnant. And her mom had not approved of her punk-rock band member  husband since eight years ago. They didn’t hear the oncoming car because of the loud music from practice.

The husband Tom,  who was seriously injured , was Callie and Mer’s patient.

Tom and Blair’s serious conversation, as Tom didn’t feel so great because of her severe injuries, affected both Arizona and Callie. Their facial reactions were serious.

Guilty Callie

Callie, Mer and Owen were doing surgery on their patient and Callie couldn’t hide her pent up guilt anymore

Callie: You know what? I didn’t even kiss her. She kissed me. So why, why am I compelled to apologize to Arizona? I didn’t do anything wrong. Did I?

And why did she have to make it so weird? And…what is my responsibility here? I mean time has passed. I can date. She can date. I want her to date. We can see other people.

Callie’s guilt was irrepressible.

Mer: Arizona was seeing other people while the two of you were still married.

Mer was being Miss all-honesty here. And Callie was dumbstruck.  What Mer said was true.

But Mer was just being matter-of-fact. Apart from having worries about her suspected own similar situation, her words were like a pep talk for Callie to do away with her guilt feelings and just do what she wants.

Mer: Sorry I just meant you could do whatever you want. God knows she did.

"Good save, Robbins."

Blair just had a deep cut. But said she felt okay.

Arizona: So your husband’s in a punk rock band?
Blair: Yeah we met at a show
Arizona: Mm I used to like punk rock once.
Amelia : Okay.
Arizona: What? I did. I rocked the heavy eyeliner and I had some t-shirts.
Amelia: Sure you did, Robbins.
Arizona: It’s more of a post punk scene now..It’s more of a proto…

And then she suddenly had a seizure . Blair who was all right and 35 weeks pregnant suddenly had a seizure.

The seizures were frying her brain and Amelia suggested they had to put her under.
Arizona wasn’t giving up as she charged up to 360. She wouldn’t give up on the patient until Bailey advised her to stop. 

As Amelia said, Blair suffered from intracranial bleeding which anyone cannot come back from.

They were all stunned by the shocking death of the patient but Arizona didn’t lose her bearings. She  acted fast with major trang. Ordered Jo to bag the patient and start CPR. She knew they  could still save the baby inside the dead patient’s body.

The magic of fetal surgery was still in play. If they went on with CPR, they could still save the baby.

Arizona did save the baby and the moment was too intense that it made me forget how to picture Arizona in her punk rock t-shirts and  that it led Jo to break into tears. 

Made me think of how jaded our favorite  doctors were already. Compared to the newbies like Jo, they were already toughened by experience. Not that they were not affected but they already had mastered the art of controlling their emotions when they did surgical procedures.

It was a landmark moment when Bailey said “ Good save,  Robbins.”

I was so very proud of Arizona, blame it on her fetal surgery genius, her  hairporn and  her glowing beauty  in  this scene.

Arizona though, made a second sad  look at the dead patient, and yep, that dampened the victory but still, they saved a life.

Callie Has Moved On and Arizona Should Too

Callie went over to Karev to check on the baby to have some good news when her patient, the baby's  dad Tom, woke up. He still didn’t know that his wife died.

Coincidence that Arizona came by too, to check on the baby she saved. Yep, Callie and Arizona are in the same room and in the same frame on my TV.

Ergo, another chance we see them again talking

Callie: Hey, I heard the mom died, you  okay?  (Callie is always concerned about Arizona)
Arizona: Yeah, it was…It was bad
Callie: I’m so sorry
Callie walks away
Arizona: Callie, about earlier,
Callie: Yeah that was…
Arizona: How long has that been going on, exactly?
Callie: It hasn’t. I mean that was our first date and it got cut short so we didn’t even make it to dinner.
Arizona: Yeah no, she just skipped right to dessert
Callie: You know what? Let’s not do this.
Arizona: I probably shouldn’t be saying anything but I …ugh, I feel like I have to
Callie: You don’t. Arizona, I am seeing people, I will kiss them. I didn’t plan on that happening and I certainly didn’t  plan on you seeing that. But I do not need to feel bad or apologize.
Arizona: No Callie I
Callie: I’m moving on and you should too. And it’s kind of not your business who I see now, or kiss, okay?
Arizona: You’re right. Godspeed. Go kiss everyone.

Callie obviously thought that Arizona was jealous. And she was guilty about the whole thing.
Even at the O.R. as she told Mer about the kiss that Arizona saw, Callie was a bundle of guilt emotions.

Arizona was too shy to intrude, that’s why she could not explain her questions.

At the last part of the convo, Callie ended up trying to emphasize that she has moved on, and that was sad. Even if it seemed she was also trying to convince herself that she has already moved on because seeing that Arizona saw her kiss someone bothered her psyche. 

Tunnel Scenes Are Back!

Here’s another prized humorous Callie scene ...

Surprised that Mer had the same idea, and was resting in a bed in the "tunnel" Callie’s lines were hilarious

Mer: Hey
Callie: Geez! Why are you lurking in the dark? You're lurking
Mer: I can't sleep
Callie: I’m wiped. If you're gonna keep lurking, please don’t stare at me whiIe I sleep.
Mer: Did you know when Arizona cheated on you , before she told you
Callie: What?
Mer: And with George. Did you know it? Did you have a feeling?
Callie: Meredith, what? What happened?

Fun Friendship at The Tunnel

Friendship time with Mer, Maggie, Karev, Callie or C.A.M.M. as people call them.

They were thinking of probable situations why a woman ended up answering Derek’s phone when Mer called him.

Callie playfully popping some green beans into Alex’s mouth made it so cozy and fun to watch them and their friendship.

The friendship of the awesome foursome is stronger than ever. Talking Meredith off a ledge. Thinking of all options and possible scenarios about Derek’s phone and the unwelcome preson who answered it.

Friendships on Grey’s are always so sweet and fun to watch. And what’s even so great about this is that Callie is part of this fun clique. It’s a fun support group and yes we love them.

When Mer and her negative imagination about Derek and the girl got to a head, Callie had to poke Alex to take over the advice chores

But then Callie did say this,

“Mer, I lived down the hall from you guys, I’ve heard the sex noises,I’ve seen the drama and the tears, and there is no way that Derek’s …”

Callie said the best line of the ep:

Look, you and Derek are living proof that love exists. That it works, that there is hope.  You guys are a frickin romance novel and I, for one, am rooting for you two. Team MerDer!!!

Oh my,  I’m laughing too hard.  She had to shout that out. Callie’s fangirl is showing.

The Steak Knives Gal

Callie and Arizona again chanced upon each there  waiting  for the elevator

Arizona: Hmm uh one more thing
Callie: Come on
Arizona: About Heather
Callie: You found out her name. What is wrong with you
Arizona: I know her name because I used to go out with her
Callie: Oh well I’m sorry but that’s gonna happen sometimes and I can’t be expected to
Arizona: Heather is “Steak Knives”
Callie: The Steak Knives? (Callie was surprised)
Arizona: What?
Callie: Steak Knives
Arizona: Yes
Callie: The one who wanted you to get matching tattoos
Arizona: On our fourth  week anniversary, yes
Callie: And then when you didn’t want to, she
(Arizona then made the most adorable squeaking noises holding an invisible steak knife)

Callie: Oh my God she seems so nice        .
Arizona: And you never would have seen it coming  and I don’t know if it was my place to tell you . But I wasn’t jealous. I was just worried.
Callie: Thank you.  Holy crap, thank you.

And the elevator door opened  and both went in, and on cue, the first notes of my fav song last year, Ed Sheeran’s “One” grabbed my heart and seeing those sweetest smiles on both Callie and Arizona’s faces. It was surreal.

This time inside the elevator, they looked at each other sweetly.and Smiled. Sweet knowing smile that only people who have shared a lot with each other.

That song playing, hey, if that didn’t mean the start of something beautiful, the rekindling of new feelings, remembering past funny moments and sharing them with each other again. It was like they were feeling the comforting presence of each other.

Oh my I haven’t regained my bearings yet.

The writers are making us believe it’s the start of new love. It’s the start of the journey back.
That smile, that  look they gave each other as the elevator door closed, that was enough to set my heart afire.

It is the start of something beautiful. The start of a restart.

Callie was concerned and guilty that Arizona saw that she moved on, Arizona was concerned about Callie. I don’t know if Callie did want to feel that Arizona was jealous. For a moment there I thought she wanted to feel Arizona was jealous but nope. It was just concern. Both of them were concerned for each other and that is just sweet.

And never forget that Callie said this: Look, you and Derek are living proof that love exists. That it works, that there is hope.  You guys are a frickin romance novel and I, for one, am rooting for you two.”

She believes that love works and there is hope. So there.

Just seeing Callie so guilty about Arizona seeing her kiss another woman and so concerned about what  Arizona thinks, the fact that this bothers her, it may mean she does still care. Well actually it was obvious.

And telling Arizona to move on, she seemed so vulnerable, that Arizona’s questions were bothering her equilibrium. Like she is already bent on moving on but knowing that Arizona has been keeping tabs on who she dates, kept her off balance.

Arizona on her part was also concerned that Callie did not fall for the wrong people.
So still, they are on the friendship stage which is just fine. They talk, they care about each other.

Little steps. And it had to take that awful kissing scene to lead Callie and Arizona to have something to talk about. A bonding moment, reliving past stories, stirs up communication.
In this episode, they gave us the light, sweet moments that make them closer to each other.
Am I wrong to guess that we might see some other drama too, just like in that episode with Herman’s surgery,  that will lead them closer to each other and have them talk more to each other and even hold each other’s hands again.

So let’s look forward to more.

To quote Mer in this episode, “Whatever’s gonna happen is gonna happen no matter what.”

Little by little. We will get there.


Grazie, @Calzona502 for help with the transcription :)



Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Rassing Berries and Callie's Golden Advice

Calzona Review  11x15 “I Feel The Earth Move”

Thing with this review is that this is written after watching that abominable  sneak peek of 11x16. No bias there, sorry.

All that is in my head at the moment  is that sneak peek but no. I cannot be weak and give in and speak about that sneak peek. Cannot speak about that sneak because we need to talk about  11x15 and the opening voice over…

“Your kids, your keys, your family photo album.  It’s`the list you repeat in your head  before you fall asleep. It’s the shortlist of things you grab in case of disaster. The list makes you feel in control. Your kids, your keys, your family photo album. When the fire starts, when the tsunami hits, when the earth literally quakes, do you remember your list? Or do you just duck and cover?”

After last week’s breakthrough “melt our heart” episode, because Callie held Arizona’s hand and comforted her when she needed her most,  this episode in turn was a character sketch of Calliope Torres being a  wacky  but wonderful  wordsmith who walloped our wonderland.

Calliope shared a patient with  Maggie.  Their patient was Jean Dominy, a 75-year old , sexually active angioplasty patient who was living it up and having as much life  adventures as she could, even  trying “stunts” from a book for lovemaking . She was trying routine number  28 when she damaged her hip.

 This woman, who was funnily being herself and being candid about her fun adventures in bed, was the woman who unknowingly imparted sage advice to these two “sometimes lonely” souls.

Arizona had like five seconds of screen time, but that was okay. This time, the focus was on Callie and since we barely have Callie and Arizona screen time together  after 11x05,  it is Callie’s  turn to have more screen time.

Arizona clocked in quality screen minutes with her cute phone with cute phone case. And for good continuity, at least we got to know how her mentor Dr Herman was doing n this dialogue,

Owen:  Heard anything from Herman? What’s she doing?
Arizona: (reading text message)  “ Enjoying blind institute. Learning not to bump into things, typing this, obvi. Don’t kill any babies.”

Difference in opinion

Maggie was discouraging Jean from having the 5-hour  surgery on her hip that Callie suggested. Callie explained it would make her mobile and flexible and it was an attractive proposal for Jean.  Maggie was against it due to Jean’s age.

Jean  was married 44 years  with the same man. “Three children, seven grandchildren, and a lifetime of memories.”

Jean : He was the first man I have ever loved. And is the only man that I ever will love. But I’ll be hot-damned if he’s going to be the only man to ever rass my berries. I mean I have time left.  And there’s still things that I wanna do, you know? There’s things that I haven’t done and a whole lot of things I didn’t even know you could do.

Before Jean could graphically demonstrate the other sexual positions  to  explore,
Jean: I mean what’s the point of living? If you can’t try something new. I want that surgery.
Maggie had given Callie a piece of her mind:

Maggie: I cant believe you would suggest a surgery like that to a patient without running it by me first.
Callie: I’m sorry you called me for my opinion. I do hip replacements all the time on far older patients with far weaker hearts.  She’s clearly still active. I think her heart’s in pretty good shape.
Maggie: That’s not your call.
Callie: Okay we are talking about  a healthy, vibrant woman here, she deserves the best quality of life that we can give her. If she wants a new hip, it’s her call.
Maggie: So she can get laid? Really? You think that’s important enough to risk her dying on the table?
Callie: Her hip is so damaged that she winds up immobilized and bedridden for the rest of her life and yeah I sure do, cause either way, she’s dying.

Maggie would not let up so Callie said she will reevaluate and see other options.

Turns out, they still went on with the surgery.

The Callie did not pass up the chance  to rib Maggie about Ethan the radiologist, whom she met while being stuck in the elevator for a minute,  and if they were a  thing.

Callie: Yeah right so you’re so not into cute smart or funny?
Maggie: Well he’s a radiologist
Callie: Did you just go all upstairs downstairs?
Maggie: No I didn’t mean it like that.
Callie: Oh you don’t get down at work. You have many other fine qualities. It’s okay if you’re kind of a snob.
Maggie : I’m not. You make me sound awful. Dating down, what is that, even. I just don’t date people who are
Callie: Beneath you?
Maggie: No. that is not what I was going to say.
Callie: Underlings

This scene with Callie doing the underling radiologist voice “Just a lowly maker of x-rays, madam” that led  Maggie to snap, “ Will you stop it?”

Oh Callie and her on point humor had me in stitches.  Applause! Applause!

Screw the Gap

Callie gave Maggie a piece of her mind in this conversation in the scan room.

Maggie: It’s not because he’s a radiologist. And it’s not because I don’t date people from work. I just, I kinda don’t date.

Callie: Listen, I was just giving you a hard time.

Maggie: There’s  a gap. Between me and most people. There’s just always has been. I used to think I was younger in school but even  after school. The gap, it just got bigger. And more impossible. I wasn’t too young, I was just too different. So I know what it looks like when I say yes to Ethan. It’s fun and we’re happy for a while until it’s not. Things always get awkward and weird so I over correct and he misinterprets and then we’re not on the same page anymore cause we were always miles and miles apart with  this gap between us, pretending it wasn’t there. I don’t wanna pretend.  I came here to work and just stay focused on that, and I’m fine on my side of the gap. I’m a little lonely but fine. There’s just no point to me saying yes.

Callie: Yeah, okay that’s a load of crap. When you were younger, fine cause you were weird. But now you’re a grown up.  Doing your grown up job with other grown ups. There’s no gap. And there’s nothing to lose. There’s  just you being scared and for no reason.  So choose not to be! Life’s too short to be scared. Screw the gap.  Let Ethan, y’know, rass your berries.

Maggie: Ew      
Callie: Goose your gander,  okay tickle your tail feathers, cup your coconuts

Maggie: Nope

Callie: Rock your rump. Poke your hontas. Wallop your wonderland.

And Callie doubled up in laughter with that happiness pose,   it was a sight to behold.

Those were the funniest Callie lines the whole of S11 and I’m so glad the humor in this ep made up for all the tears shed in the recent previous episodes.

You gotta hand it to Sara Ramirez. She is that extremely talented that she just delivers these comedic scenes effortlessly and they’re funnier than funny.

The episode ends…

 “That list of things you grab in a disaster,  your kids, your keys, your family photo album, that list goes out the window. When the disaster starts with you wondering, If this was the woman who has been screwing your husband. That’s a whole other earthquake.”


Okay I cannot fall into the trap of slipping and begin to talk about that sneak peek of 11x16 which was a whole other earthquake in itself.

But really, I wouldn’t want to blame  Jean Dominy, the fun-loving  lady who gave  nuggets of  life wisdom to  Team Cardio-Ortho Callie and Maggie.

How could I blame Jean Dominy when she just opened Callie and Maggie’s eyes to what the point of life is. This was the clincher line that  Callie listened to  intently  “I mean I have time left.  And there’s still things that I wanna do, you know? There’s things that I haven’t done and a whole lot of things I didn’t even know you could do.”

It seemed like a light bulb moment for Callie.  Here was a woman almost double her age, embracing life and wants to do so many things more, both in bed and not.

It was that zest for life that rubbed off on Callie.  This woman was enjoying her life to the fullest.

I suspect this is one of the reasons that pushed Callie further, to date and explore and seek adventure, to  go on with the dating game, meet new people…and yes, give that girl a long 28 –second kiss, a kiss longer than any other Calzona kiss ever. Oops this is not the topic.
I was beaming with pride when I saw  Callie give sage advice to gal pal Maggie.  With her experiences, and with Jean’s inspiring attitude, she learned to grab life by the reins and live it well and not waste it.

This line described her current mindset : “And there’s nothing to lose. There’s  just you being scared and for no reason.  So choose not to be! Life’s too short to be scared. Screw the gap.”

For Callie Torres, there was no fear to speak of.  And she was teaching Maggie what she picked up from their patient Jean. And let Ethan rass her berries.

So seeing Callie’s way of thinking,  it is a no-brainer why Callie was enjoying her date and kiss with the Portia-lookalike.

So enough of me blaming anyone. Jean actually made much sense . She taught me and Callie to :Make the most of life. Because life is short.  Keep it sweet.  Keep it simple.  Keep it fun.

And hey, Callie is enjoying life right now, going into the next episode. She is friends with Arizona and we know she will be there for her and vice versa.

Whatever happens, what matters is that Callie is happy. And she deserves to be happy. I just can’t really think of  anyone poking anyone’s hontas yet.  

So see you on the other side.

We need all the luck and love to carry us through the next ep.

Because the odds will not (yet) be in our favor.  But they will be. You betcha.

Calzona Strong.



Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Point Is...

Calzona Review 11x14  “The Distance”

Did we ever expect that this episode would be as good as last week’s?

Shondaland genius is all over the place, and  Greys Anatomy Season 11 episodes keep getting better every week. It’s not my bias talking. It’s my objective self. Shonda is my storytelling hero.  And Season 11 is just killing it. And killing me with drama.

It was an Amelia-centric episode, and this episode in all its awesomeness, taught me to be a superhero.

All throughout the ep, watching Amelia conquer Herman’s brain tumor  was nerve-wracking. 

Of course we cheered for Amelia all the way. Superb story, script, direction, I savored every second of this tension-filled episode.

Simply moving in  inspiring ways—excerpts from the opening voice over done by Amelia goes:

“…A  surgeon must always be prepared to lose. And in neurosurgery, with the big tumors, we lose those battles as often as we succeed. The key though, win or lose, is to never fail.  And the only way to fail is not to fight.  So you fight until you cant fight anymore”
“Hold up your head and enter the arena and face the enemy. Fight until you can’t fight anymore. Never let go. Never give up.”
“Never run, never surrender. Fight the good fight. You fight.  Even when it seems inevitable. That you’re about to go down swinging.”

Remember When

Let’s backtrack to those early days when Herman first entered the halls of GSMH and saw Arizona as a worthy candidate to be her protege. Fetal surgery fellow.  She singled out Arizona who was well-accomplished in her own field as head of pediatric surgery.

She chose Arizona because she was excellent. There were very few fetal surgeons in this part of the country and Herman was one of the best.

And remember when Arizona did choose to grab this fellowship and we were all feeling for Callie because at that time, they wanted to have a baby and this new development was going to cause a roadblock to that plan? And yes, it did cause a strain to their marriage. The last straw, actually, that led them to break up. 

Remember when Herman was a plain strict, mean, cold teacher and Arizona always had to be on her toes? She expected no failure and Arizona was admonished each time she did not live up to Herman’s expectations? As  Arizona would state later on, “she beat the hell out of me, ” in trying to make her learn everything.

Fast forward to now. Images of that ending scene. Arizona crying uncontrollably on Herman’s bed. (Even Jessica, who gave an excellent performance in this episode couldn’t stop crying between takes during that scene).

It all makes sense, and here come my goosebumps again. With tears.

So now we understand the reasons for all that happened.

We are so proud of Arizona right now, with how she has learned the ropes of fetal surgery

Herman taught her well

During Glenda Castillo’s sensitive surgery, Bailey was questioning her presence and Herman’s absence from the onset, “what do you mean she’s not coming?”

She did not know that Herman was just wheeled off to the O.R to have her brain tumor operated on.

Bailey: Robbins, I respect you and consider you a friend, so it is with kindness that I tell you that you are not even half a fetal surgeon. Not even.  You’re half a fellow.
Arizona: You brought this patient to me.
Bailey: No, I brought this patient to your boss
Arizona: I have spent the past four ½  months getting everything that Dr Herman knows pounded into my brain.
Bailey: Do you hear yourself? 4 1/2 months?
Arizona: You want her hands? You have them. Right here.

Even if any ordinary surgeon knew what to do (As Bailey and Karev did), Arizona reiterated with emphasis that SHE  was the fetal surgeon and she knew that she knew better.

She told  Bailey off. Bailey who challenged her judgment and decision, to open up the patient ,thinking  she only wanted to prove something in Herman’s absence.  Arizona  was  confident with her decision to open up the patient but not deliver the baby because it had no chance to survive.

Only a fetal surgeon genius-in-the-making could make an intelligent, confident call like that.
Who could ever forget Arizona’s badass line:

Bailey: You’re trying to prove that you’re Herman
Arizona: “Stop talking. Stop it right now. You’re right, Dr Bailey. I am not Dr Herman. I am Dr Robbins and I am the fetal surgeon here and I have chosen to do this procedure. And there was a point at which you could no longer be on board but that point is long gone.I am I the middle of a woman’s uterus and any mistake I would make could result in catastrophic blood loss. And if I slip, it will be because youre screaming in my ear and not because I don’t know what Im doing. You either need to get on boardand shut up or you need to get the hell out.
Alex: I mean, she sounds like Dr Herman

Confident. Badass. Self-affirmed.

And yes, it turned out she was right, and she earned the respect of Bailey and Karev. Way to go, Arizona Robbins.

As a side note, all of them were in awe of the miracles and wonders of fetal surgery,

Bailey: He’s not even born yet and I held him in my hands!
Arizona: I know the feeling. It’s privilege. Great privilege.

Arizona fully learned the “art” and the “heart” of fetal surgery. From these her words, we could tell that she is dedicated to her new expertise-- fetal surgery and it has premium value to her.

Alex gave tribute to Arizona, but Arizona still would not entertain the thought of being on her own on this, she believed Herman would be back.

“For what it’s worth, Herman picked the right person to pass the torch to”
Arizona: She’s not passing. She hasn’t gone anywhere. 

Herman taught her  much

They crammed all of a year's learning in four 1/2 months.

Throughout the ep, as Arizona went on with her surgery, Herman was in her head. At first I thought Arizona seemed to be having like an “imaginary friend syndrome” because Herman was always in her thoughts , depicted on screen like a casual “ghost” talking to her, eating ice cream with her (banana clambake flavor, maybe?)  and guiding her and  even challenging her in classic Herman-drill-sergeant style)

‘Imaginary” Herman said it quite succinctly: “I knew I picked the right horse when I picked you”
“Please don’t call me a horse” was Arizona’s automatic reply, but in truth, "Imaginary" Herman meant it. She did pick the right student to teach, and Herman was proud of her.

Herman: It really is an accomplishment. Not just to do it but to become as good as you have become. It’s a real exercise in perseverance. Really something to be proud of….

But Herman was referring to herself. Imaginary Herman was even more sarcastic and egotistical than real life Herman.

Callie Comforts Arizona

Meantime, Callie came to know of the premature surgery and went to the gallery to watch and yes, provided the much needed tumor. I mean humor.

Oh my goodness, Callie is always too funny. And uhm, was she looking for  Arizona when she went to the gallery?

Callie: I thought Arizona would be here
Owen: She’s in surgery
Callie: Wait, fetal surgery by herself?
Callie: Oh relax. It’s not the ballet or whatever
Webber: Though it is a kind of a dance. There’s grace, a rhythm, an elegance
Callie : Oh, okay, I get shushed but the purple prose is fine

Throughout this whole ordeal, of performing the crucial surgery on Glenda Castillo and the simultaneous tension involved as Herman’s brain surgery was underway, Arizona was close to breaking down, and our dreams were answered.

As Arizona was having a “daydream sequence” with Herman at the doctor’s lounge, in pops our own dream sequence.  Yep. Callie pops in. And (I'm beaming) , it wasn’t a dream. It was real. And it was lovely.

Callie: Arizona
Arizona: Hey
Callie: You okay?
Arizona: Yeah
Callie: I heard you flew solo tonight.
Arizona: I did
Callie : How’d it go?
Arizona: Great
Callie: That’s…Congratulations
Arizona: Thank you
Callie: I looked for you in Shepherd’s gallery She’s still at it if you want to head up
Arizona: I can’t go up there
Callie: Okay
Arizona: I want to but I can’t watch . I just can’t. Over the past four months, that woman beat the hell out of me. Trying to shove every piece of knowledge and experience into my head and she did. It’s all there. All of it. She’s in my head. But I’m not ready for my head to be the only place she exists.

Callie could not bear to see Arizona crying so she went over to sit beside her to comfort her. And I was not prepared to see how she reached out to hold Arizona’s right hand.  She reached out for it with her left hand and cupped it with both her hands. Lovingly. Reassuringly. Concernedly.

If hands could hug another hand, she was hugging Arizona’s hand with hers.

And then when Arizona nestled her head on Callie’s shoulder, I felt all of my insides melting and could not feel any facilities with which to breathe. There was that concern. That which follows through from last week’s “old habits.”

Callie had an instinct for her wife's feelings. She sensed her wife was having a difficult time with this and she sought out Arizona to provide comfort. And hold her hand.

That is the heart of Calliope Torres. Ever-loving, ever-generous with care and concern.
She was not this way when Arizona was the one still emotionally attached to her in 11x08 and asked her if she missed her and assumed  “just not enough.”

But now, Callie is the one who reached out to Arizona and is  there for her.  At this stage, they are clearly friends. Of course there is no romantic angle to this yet. It’s simply being there as a friend to lean on, and to support Arizona.

Arizona was in a fragile state and Callie knew that.

Of course as a Calzona fan, it’s heartwarming to see them like this. Being there for the other in a time of great need.  No questions, just automatic concern. Not just old habits, but a natural instinct of care and concern for the other.

After Herman's Surgery

After Amelia’s successful surgery of Herman, Herman was in a coma for a time, and the agony within Arizona was evident. She was almost at breaking point because of it.  Many sunsets had come and gone and even Amelia could not figure out why Herman was still not awake. Like Amelia, Arizona wanted Herman to wake up. This is the most cruel agony of medical cases and they were experiencing it for a colleague, mentor, friend. That feeling where you don’t know whether a patient will ever wake up. That excruciating wait.  And we as viewers shared that painful experience.

Doctors are but humans. At the mercy of how the human body works. At the mercy of whether the brain decides to wake up…or not..

Stephanie and Amelia deduced she had a stroke. And that explained why she was not awake.

Day in and out, Arizona checked on the still comatose Herman.

And as it took its toll on Arizona, Callie, this loving character with a heart of platinum, was there to comfort her and give her courage,

After all, she knew exactly how this felt. She underwent the same cavalry with her best friend Mark. Where she, along with Derek, had to submit to pull the plug as that was what was in Mark’s final instructions.

And she knew how painful it was to make such a decision, and she did not want Arizona to have to go through that pain.

Callie: She’s gonna wake up.
Arizona: She might. But if she doesn’t, I’m gonna have to make some decisions. And you did this for Mark
Callie: I did. But you’re not gonna have to, okay?
Arizona: I can’t do this by myself. I can’t make that call. And I know what she wants. But I don’t think that I can make that call.
Callie: Hey, you are not by yourself, okay? You’re not alone, do you hear me?

Arizona’s sad emotions were already at maximum, she could not handle this, and Callie knew that. And she was..there. She was not leaving Arizona at a very sensitive and  painful time like this. At a time that Arizona needed her most, she was there for her. She ASSURED  Arizona that she will not be handling this by herself. That kind of comfort, of love, is the kind of love from a character that is Callie Torres.

Nurturing and loving. She knew Arizona needed someone, and she was willing to be that someone. She was there. Why? Because she cares for Arizona. Plain and simple.

And this is one situation that will not be forgotten by Arizona, because in her weakest moment, Callie was there when no one else was. Callie was there when she needed her the most.

Basic ingredients for getting back together, am I right?

When Herman Woke Up

One of the most touching scenes really, was when Herman finally woke up and Arizona, Stephanie and Amelia checked on her but realized she had lost her sense of sight. It was difficult to conrol the tears because after being happy that Herman was alive and okay, she could not follow the torchlight with her eyes. That painful realization meant one thing. She was alive yes, the whole tumor was out…but she would never perform fetal surgery again.

And that was what I presume caused Arizona to cry so many tears.

She was going through  her own roller coaster of emotions. She was successful with Glenda’s surgery and was glad that Herman’s surgery was, too. But her emotions were dampened by the long span of time Herman was in a coma due to the stroke.

And then her spirits were raised again when Herman woke up, only to realize she had totally lost her vision.

What was cute though, was when she asked to talk to  Arizona privately about Glenda’s surgery and goosebumps alert, Herman said “ I knew I picked the right horse” just as Arizona imagined in her head. Same words, same dialogue.

Arizona:Please stop calling me a horse

But this time, unlike in her imaginary scene with Herman where Herman was doing the elf-glorification bit,   her mentor was all praises for her, but this dialogue just added to my tears. These Season 11 episodes are creating a flood on my face and are obstructing my capacity to breathe.

Herman: I knew it. I  Knew you would not let me down. I had no doubt.
Arizona: Can you see anything? Anything at all?
Herman: No. Nothing. Competely blind. You better not be crying.
 Arizona: I’m not. Are you all right?
Herman: I don’t know. It’ll take a while to sink in. I don’t think you’re gonna want to be around me when it does. That will be ugly.
Arizona: I will be. If you want me to, I’ll…

Herman: You’re missing the point. You’re so thick, Robbins.  You’re always just to the left of the point.  The point is, I’m gonna get to figure it out. Something is going to happen next.  The point is, I’m alive. And I wouldn’t be if you hadn’t been such a pain in my ass. I picked the right horse.

I’m not sure if this was unexpected for Herman. All we ever really heard of was that her expectation was either to live or die or to not wake up. But this wasn’t in my list of expectations, even if when she was about to go into surgery, she was already experiencing a block in the optic chiasm. And I don’t think Arizona had expected this either.

Arizona seemed to be the most pained. Herman had that instinct to be happy to have  survived, to make do with what she woke up with. Herman was thankful and happy she was alive.

But Arizona’s tears obviously showed she could not bear the thought of her mentor, to not be able to perform another fetal surgery procedure ever again. 

It reminds us actually of a similar situation which happened to Arizona herself. That time when she lost her leg and she blamed Callie for cutting off her leg. And the fact that Callie did it to save her life was just lost on her. 

Here was Herman, more than two seasons later, knocking some sense into her.  That the point is to be happy and thankful that she was alive. Even if she lost her leg, she should still be thankful because again , the point is, she is alive! And quoting  Shonda’s tweet, “That is, indeed,  always the point”

Truly, the torch had been passed. It was good that Herman took off her training wheels early. She let Arizona dive in and they had no time to lose. She taught Arizona all that was to be taught and Arizona lived up to her standards and expectations.

My goosebumps still wouldn’t quit everytime I think of how Herman is one of the best fetal surgeons in the country, and she was  happy she chose Arizona. At least her teaching did come to full use. It was not wasted.

She was right in choosing this brilliant peds surgeon to take on this fellowship, and have her join ths elite group of excellent surgeons who hold and treat babies who are not even born yet.

I have goosebumps because I am so proud of my Arizona, our Arizona. All her hard work had paid off. Her marriage was affected by all this but that had a purpose. Because this brilliant doctor who saved so many fetuses’ lives had limited time left to save lives.

Arizona had chosen to pursue this because she had to fulfill a higher purpose—that is to save more lives, because she is too, a rock star just like her mentor.
And saving fetuses’ lives, as she and Herman  said it, was a privilege. A great privilege.

And not only that. Now it all makes sense--how Arizona broke hospital rules by asking for medical records for Herman. I thought she was becoming a rebel without a cause, then. Now it all consoles me. The story has come full circle.

She took on this fellowship with this cold-hearted brilliant surgeon not only to take on this very noble work, but also to have saved her  life.

Arizona, because of her stubbornness, her being a “pain in the ass” to the point of risking her own professional career just to find out about this tumor and to seek ways to take it out,  saved her mentor’s life! Now if that isn’t a thing to be happy about, what is?

I was never pleased about Callie and Arizona’s break up, but now, things are slowly but surely maknig me understand it all. And I’m betting it is part of how it will all fall into place.

To be honest, where are they exactly now? They are there for each other. Discovering new dimensions with which to comfort and support each other. It’s a different state when someone with whom you have been estranged, who has lost any obligation to help you out because you are not partners anymore, is there for you and gives you a shoulder to lean on. And assures you that you are not alone in your trials.

It’s a different level of love. It’s borne out of friendship, of sincere concern. If she were still her wife, It would’ve been automatic, to help and comfort; but this time, she could have chosen to turn a blind eye to Arizona’s sadness, but she did not. Callie WAS there. And that spells L-O-V-E. And I'm pretty sure Arizona has this gesture etched in her heart. I doubt she will ever forget how Callie was there for her.

Not romantic love. But it lays the foundation for a more lasting love. The kind that is unconditional.

The closing voice-over still inspires…depicting  the badassness and bravery of Amelia and  the other surgeons in GSMH…

“Why do we even try when the barriers are so high and the odd are so low? Why don’t we just pack it in and  go home?  It’d be so so much easier. It’s because in the end, there’s no glory in easy. No one remembers easy. They remember the blood and the bones. And the long agonizing fight to the top.  And that is how you become…legendary.”

So to sum it all up, in a destiny-inspired train of thought…

The point is, I now see the point why Arizona took on the fellowship and thereby affecting their marriage.

The point is, apparently, there was a higher purpose for taking on that fellowship.

The point is, Arizona gained the much needed knowledge because she was brilliant enough to have such privilege. She was talented enough to be as excellent as one of the best fetal surgeons in the country.

The point is, Arizona took on the fellowship because she would save a person’s life. Her mentor Nicole Herman’s life.

The point is, Herman had gone blind because of the tumor, but she  is alive.

The point is, Callie was supportive and comforting to Arizona even if they are estranged.

The point is, Callie has sincere love and concern for Arizona.

The point is, Arizona accepts Callie’s support and leans on her for comfort because she cannot do certain things alone.

The point is, Arizona had a need for a person  and Callie was there for her. And how.

The point is, little by little, all these events are laying the foundation for Callie and Arizona to  get back together.

The point is, I am  not even thinking about the 11x16 spoiler that Arizona  realizes that Callie is "moving on." So okay, bring it on.

The point is, I realize there was a reason for everything.

Calzona Strong.
