Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mentorship, Friendship and Getting Out of the V

Calzona Review 10x21 "Change of Heart"

A certified tearjerker. Made me cry buckets. That’s what this episode was. I was floored by the stunning performances by  the whole cast. Overall, it was one fine and dandy Grey's episode. Read: Draining but entertaining.  

Even as the episode was mostly centered on patients and the other characters,  (which by the way  is very welcome and which will most probably go on for the next three episodes), both Callie and Arizona  had individual concerns  to deal with.

It was interesting to see them tackle each of their issues--   Callie in her deadpan yet hilarious manner, and Arizona, being quite sentimental… a rare trait we see in her.

Calzona-wise, the episode showed us a deeper dimension to Callie and Arizona's characters
and dispositions. And it is a  respite from   troubling conflicts or even trading of  sweet emotions. It is sometimes good  to see various facets of their persona too.

Mer’s illustrative voice-over goes:

"Over the past twenty years, one of the most valuable tools a doctor has is the algorithm.  Your patient’s main complaint goes into a box. And then the formula helps you decide what to do next.  But what happens when a problem doesn’t fit into a box? Well you’re suddenly on your own unexpectedly with about a thousand paths to choose from."

Get out of my V

Calzona in the bedroom. Planning the pregnancy. Just delightful.

Callie: Okay, so we turkey base me in may,
Arizona: And the baby’s born in February?
Callie: Yup

When April obtrusively enters the room, interrupting them for ..wait for it… toothpaste.

Callie: Okay, so I take off the spring, recover and nurse and then you take off the summer
Arizona: And I put Karev in charge of Peds, I think that works!

April however, joins in on the conversation between wifeys 

April: Are you sure about that? Cause if you’re gone in the summer, you’re gone when the new interns start. Do you really want Karev in charge of all the new kids? Maybe push off the insemination for…

And here we witness the most hilarious line of the episode, courtesy of my beloved Callie:

Callie: Kepner, Kepner?  Get out of my vagina

I was very  certain that half the fandom just doubled up with laughter. And Arizona’s subtle  duck face reaction will never be forgotten.

Callie: Its really been only two nights cause it feels like ten

Hmm….Irritation from  Calliope starting to surface….

Heart patients

In the next scene, Arizona is with Shane and comebacking Dr. Russell.  Head of Cardiothoracic surgery. Leah was in the room too, but was attending to Frankie's brother Linc, another heart patient.

They, followed by Karev, were discussing with  Frankie’s parents. Frankie  was due for transplant and was still in an unsatisfactory condition despite the LVAD implantation. A heart was available but they were waiting for confirmation  from a hospital in Oakland.

Arizona explained to the doubtful parents that  since Dr. Yang was not back yet, (after the Harper Avery Awards),  Dr. Russell will be performing Frankie’s transplant that day, Karev assured the parents that he and Arizona will be in the O.R. the whole time, and that Frankie will be  in good hands.

Then the parents learned from Leah Murphy that  Linc, Frankie's brother,  was doing fine

Then Linc asks about their sister Ivy, who was still in rejection status

Linc: When can Ivy come back in here?
Arizona: Well she’s still sick. 

She still needs to stay there a little bit longer. Unfortunately Ivy’s still in rejection….we’re monitoring her very closely.

Don't we just love to see Dr. Arizona Robbins on top of everything in the peds department? Her apparent concern and dedication to her job was shining through.

As they went out of the room, Shane interrogated Arizona on Cristina’s whereabouts which led to a no-nonsense Arizona  reply,

Shane: Has anyone heard from her?
Arizona: You know just make sure Frankie’s ready and prepped.

Karev’s private practice  plans (PPP)

Arizona had noticed Karev who bore the smile of a Cheshire cat on his face, and was shadowing her

Arizona: Why are you hovering? What’s wrong with your face?

Alex: I like your hair.
Arizona: Oh what did you do

Then  Karev finally told Arizona about his plans to get into  private practice

Arizona: When did all this happen?
Alex: About a month ago. Lebackes approached me, I’ve been doing work with him on my off time. He thinks I could make a really good fit.

Arizona: So you’ve already decided? You’re leaving?
Alex: No, I don’t know. My fellowship is almost over so..
Arizona: Well, uh, when do they need to know by?
Alex: Tonight

I was waiting for Arizona to go ballistic, reminiscent of 8x23 when she lashed out at Karev who was bent on leaving and go on to Johns Hopkins after he passed his boards.

Arizona, though visibly frustrated, did not lose her temper at all. She was taking it all in. This was all news to her. She had Karev’s schedule all planned out for the coming months. And she just sighed in submission.

Alex was uneasy, actually surprised At Arizona’s quiet reaction

Alex: Aren't you gonna yell at me or something?….

They got an emergency  page so the conversation got cut

Cristina is back

Next scene was their OR scene with Dr Russell, Arizona, when Cristina suddenly arrives.
Dr Russell greeted Cristina, and consoled her on her not winning the Harper Avery the night before.

Everyone in the O.R. were staring, including Arizona,

Cristina: “It was an honor just to be nominated”

And everyone, especially Arizona, just looked silently at Cristina, and went on with the work on hand.

Cristina and Arizona share a bond. And Arizona knew better. Silence was best at this delicate time.

Team Ortho and Team Trauma in action

Then  we see Team Ortho together with Team Trauma at work in the trauma room. Attending to a hypotensive cross country athlete,  who had been walking three months, and got hit by a pick up truck.

He said he was not walking for charity, and was in it for the sake of committing to something.

The man’s thighs were swollen, so Callie suspected  the femur fracture must have affected  the femoral artery, thereby causing his being hypotensive, losing all blood volume into his thigh, so they had to rush him to the O.R.

Note: Aside from the beautiful Callie picture four lines above this, it was wonderful to see multiple characters in one scene. 

This episode, just like the last one, had plentiful scenes of that kind. It displayed a fascinating  dynamic among the characters. It was praiseworthy.

Heart to heart

Now  we go back to Arizona’s O.R. scene  with Cristina. Arizona was gushing at Cristina’s skill at the ongoing surgery procedure.

Arizona: I see one tear, one leak, you did it Perfectly. I  mean Ive never seen such an efficient  anastomosis. Look, Karev.
Alex: Awesome job, Yang

The enthusiasm of Karev was apparent.  At first ,  I wasn’t even sure if he was trying to be overzealous for Yang, resorting to flattery because of Yang’s recent defeat,  I was thinking too that  he might be trying hard to please Arizona too, to let him off the hook easily for his private practice plans.

Then when Arizona stared sharply at Shane and Leah, as if prodding them to say something positive about Cristina’s skill, that was when I realized Arizona was getting the whole surgical team to be a source of comfort and praise for her colleague and friend Cristina Yang

Leah: Inspiring,
Shane: flawless

Arizona was being protective of her friend Cristina. She was trying to cheer her up. As consolation, as cheer. They wanted to show her they support her at this time of defeat.

But there was something wrong. The patient’s heart was not pumping. Even as  they started cardiac massage. It usually had to start pumping after restoring blood flow. Frankie’s  new heart just wouldn’t beat

Cristina: What’ UNOS saying?
Nurse: We’re waiting on a call back
Leah: I don’t understand, how does it happen?
Arizona:  They must have injured it when they were moving it from the donor.

And suddenly, out of extreme anger and frustration, Cristina throws her surgical instrument across the room. Arizona swiftly got out of harm’s way. She was surprised  but chose to remain tight lipped.

They located another heart match  in Portland, so Arizona, was decisive that to avoid another screw up, she and Karev were to fly to Portland to secure the heart.

Arizona: Karev and I will go get it. We cant risk another screw up
Alex: Both of us don't need to...

Arizona: Now! Cristina are you okay?
Cristina: Yeah

Her friend was okay so she and Karev set off to prepare to go to Portland to get the heart for Frankie.

Whoa to April's woes

I could not get over this  hilarious scene in the O.R  where the surgery for the cross-country athlete was ongoing, where  April, while treating the patient with Owen,  was being woeful. 

She was airing her grievances to what appeared to be everyone in that O.R., but she was actually talking to Callie,  who,  together with  Ortho teammate Jo, was across the room preparing the x-fix for the patient.

April: This is important this is not something that can be just glossed over or ignored or fixed. I cant pretend like nothing’s wrong

Callie: Yeah, I know, I know, you said all that last night, then again this morning, over breakfast, haha and now,  you're saying it all again now. Wow,  look at that,

 his x-fix looks all ready to go! Sadly, I think our work is done here.

Despite panicked protestations from Owen (who seemed like  he was trying to get Callie to stay to avoid being the sole confidante of April,) and Jo,

Jo: Don’t we need to renew the measurements with the imaging?

Callie: Oh we do, we do, its just that we should stay out of Kepner and Hunt’s way so we're gonna do it in radiology where there are bigger screens and better lighting! Its all good
We’re almost done here so… Take your time! let's go, Wilson!

Poor April,  but I couldn’t help but laugh at Callie’s funny dodging of April’s woeful ways.

Team Peds soars to greater heights

It's a plane. And it's Arizona. On a plane. With Alex. 

Alex was  suspicious why Arizona had to bring him along. 

Arizona: The last time that we were`on a plane
Alex: We are not talking about the last time you were on a plane

Arizona: No Alex, the last time that we were`on a plane together, the first time we met

Alex: I know you brought me on this plane to talk me out of taking this job. We’ll be in Portland soon. Just get it over with and say what youre gonna say it' s not like I can go anywhere
Arizona: We were on our way to pick up a liver and a small bowel for a ten year old...

Then we hear Alex's moving monologue

Alex: Do you really think I'm selling out , that I'm choosing money over substance and that it’s a waste of my talent or whatever? That there's more to life than nice schedules and a big fat paycheck. Well I thought about it hard. You’ve been awesome but I've already stayed here once for you. I have to start thinking about myself about what I want. I worked hard, I deserve this. I deserve to think about myself for once. Okay?

Arizona gets sentimental

Then we see Arizona and Alex having successfully  harvested the heart for Frankie

Arizona: The heart is out, we’re on the move.
Tell the pilot, let him know we’re on our way

Alex: So this is how it’s gonna be now….silence at the end of my fellowship that’s how youre gonna leave things?

Arizona: Alex? I brought you here today cause I trusted your skills to properly prepare this heart and then we got on that plane and we started feeling sad because you're leaving soon and I will miss you. I didn’t bring you here to scold you. I’m proud of you and I am happy for you and all I wanted was to share a freakin' memory. I was being sentimental!

May I interrupt myself. It just dawned on me how talented these actors are especially when they have to express emotion when they have their surgical masks on. I'm sure they take extra effort to convey feelings because we can only see their eyes and body movements.  What Jessica did here was absolutely fine acting. I could feel the raw emotion in her portrayal of the frustrated Arizona, trying to explain to Karev that she was just getting soft and sentimental.

Alex: Oh. You know if I take the job I’m still gonna have the hospital …you’ll see me around
Arizona: Shut up Karev….

Alex: Why don’t u try to talk me into staying?

Alex Karev was feeling wary about Arizona who was not really making any effort to prevent him from leaving.

Arizona: Oh God are we still on this? Can’t we just focus o the transplant and the heart we just retrieved?
Alex: Yeah, never mind, I’ll shut up.

Arizona: Of course I want you to stay. But this sounds like an incredible job opportunity and you’re right. You did stay here for me once and I don’t wanna stand in your way again so if you wanna leave, you should leave, but not because of something that I do or don’t say  you should leave because this is the best thing for you and because you’re excited about this job ad you’re ready  to do  great things.  And collect a big fat paycheck

The wisdom from Arizona’s mini speech  was appalling.

Alex: Really big
Arizona: Then I guess you have a  decision to make. Don’t screw this one up.

Arizona was sentimental and supportive toward Alex, her prized student.  That was all. There was no resentment. It was a selfless desire for Alex to be successful in the path he had chosen to take. 

When Karev said goodbye

Then we see the board tackle the issue of Cristina getting the needed number of votes, but did not win. all because of window dressing by the hospital. They nominated Cristina when she did not even have a chance to win.

Arizona: They wanna be the center of innovation but they don’t wanna pay for it.
Callie: No wonder they want to innovate, they nominated Yang for an award

Meredith : She was robbed, they’re boneheads
Derek: Oh you can’t give with one hand and take with the other. We have to stop this

Jackson: There’s no stopping this. Guys, they own the place. We are just their managing board. This conversation is our relationship now. Best we can do is try to guide them to make the right decision. That’s by making our own decision as tough as that might be. This is my report, alright? All the projects are here operating budgets vs. progress to date. Best to worst. Take a look but the decision is pretty clear to me.

Then Karev knocks and opens the door

Alex: You have a second? Never mind, I’ll come back.

Arizona: No Alex, come in
Alex: I just wanted to let you know that my fellowship is almot done and well I got an offer from Lebackes Pediatric surgery clinic , Oliver Lebackes’ practice and I gave it some serious consideration and I’ve decided to take it. (We see Arizona taking a deep breath. A sigh, with eyes closed.)

 Alex: So I guess this is my notice.

And everyone was stunned, including Callie. But I was most stunned because of this superCalliefragelistic stunning shot of Callie. Pure awesome beauty in all aspects.  

Callie, who  concernedly looked to her wife as if to check if Arizona knew about this, and if she was okay with Alex’s announcement. It was clearly pure concern for her wife. And that’s what I call true love.  

Even if Arizona knew about this information beforehand, it apparently still affected her, upon hearing Alex inform the board. Alex was a gem of a surgeon, and it truly was to be a loss for the hospital. Arizona's expression said it all.

Additional  points 

Callie and April

The Callie and April scenes were just too funny. They provided much of the episode’s comic relief, even though April had tearful moments because of her marital problems.

April’s  brooding frame of mind, caused by her spat with Jackson, which was also funny  and perfectly executed  by Sarah Drew, was the perfect ploy for Callie to inject her brand of irresistible humor, using her irritation  as vehicle to react to April’s mopey attitude throughout the episode.

It was pleasurable to see Callie manage to frankly counter what April says, and she does it with charming humor without hurting April’s feelings.

Callie had enough problems of her own, planning the pregnancy, busy with her work and her research,  and we saw her intolerance for the often tiresome whining caused by April’s problems. 

However, I would not say Callie is  impatient. I would not put it  that way.

We all know her as badass. But when it comes to friends, no doubt she is a dependable one. 

Callie has a good heart, a big heart,  but I gather she also is blunt and has no qualms about telling it like it is to people who can get a tad annoying. What's great  is that  she does it in her own charming manner. She winningly gets away with it, and  even endears us more to her character.

True enough,  April did not take offense at all.

We know that Callie is a genuine person. Doing all this is just Callie being true to herself. Consistent, if you ask me.

Let it be clear that this  is a Calzona-biased review. Callie and Arizona will never be wrong in any part of this piece. Not in any single sentence nor punctuation mark.

I'm kidding.

Arizona and Cristina

It is  a good thing that there have been bits of the Cristina  and Arizona friendship in this episode. As colleagues, Arizona  was silently there for Cristina, kowing that her friend was going through a difficult time. 

In the way she let Cristina be: when Cristina suddenly took over Dr. Russell; when Cristina, knowing everyone was waiting for a statement from her because she had been gone for a while, and  announced that it was an honor to be nominated; when Cristina threw an instrument in frustration; in the way she signaled  Shane and Leah to say anything to praise Cristina. It was subtle but clear: Arizona had Cristina's back all that time in the O.R. 

I am happy that in these last few episodes of Cristina, we were able to witness how the plane crash forged a bond between them, that only they can truly understand. 

Arizona on a plane

When I saw the sneak peek of Arizona on a plane, I cannot deny I was worried. I’m sure many other Arizona fans were, too. Who wouldn’t be?  

This episode though, was amazing because seeing Arizona decide to get on a plane and fly to Portland,   and take note that she decided this  in the O.R, in a most decisive manner, and it surely was a  big step.

Firstly, it shows Arizona's noble dedication to her patients and  her profession. It was her first thought when they learned that there was a problem with the first heart, and there was no hint of hesitation in her decision.

Secondly, it shows that she had gotten over her fear of airplanes. The fear  would have surely been  understandable before,  due to the trauma caused by the crash. 

I would think it was her passion for her job and  her concern for her patient that caused her to overlook her own possible fear of flying, and it was beneficial in all aspects. Not only for the patient  but for herself as well.

There was an overall sense of comfort seeing her on a plane. Like it was  a step forward. Another obstacle which she has overcome. Joy, joy.

Most importantly, in this episode was manifested the development of Arizona's mentorship toward her prized ward Alex Karev. Quick flashback to how she reacted to Karev's plans last 8x23, she was inconsolable. 

She was irrational then. Because of her own personal crisis involving her ill-fated best friend. So she rode the plane to Boise, in Karev's place, and we all know what happened.

Alex readily supported her when she lost her leg. He scrapped his plans to leave the hospital. And now that he felt it was time to think about himself and his future, he was surprised at the completely unexpected calm reaction from his mentor.

Arizona was understanding and reflective. Her response was a far cry from her outburst two seasons ago. It showed a lot more maturity. Maybe it cannot be fairly compared because she was emotionally spent in 8x23. Still, her reaction was commendable. 

Alex was ready for Arizona's temper to flare up, but that didn't happen. Then he misinterpreted Arizona's silence as quiet objection. It was only when Arizona explained that she  got sentimental, and that she will miss him, that Alex understood.. 

Being on that plane actually reminded her of the very first time they met and talked to each other. Nostalgic. And now, her student has grown and has found the need to spread his wings. Search for greener golden pastures.

It was admirable to see Arizona as a supportive teacher to a student . She explained it to him gently. And it was a reasonable mini speech. Her advice to do it not because of what anyone says or thinks, but because of his own personal objectives,  was golden.

It was amusing to see Alex not wanting to see Arizona feel sad about him leaving. Their bond has become deep. 

If I were to make a prediction, I'd say Alex will go on private practice for a while, then come back eventually to the hospital. That's a wild guess. What's important is the wonderful way this mentor-student relationship has bloomed right before our eyes, and has progressed to become a mutually respectful relationship. Time has allowed them to be both mature and more giving to each other. It is simply  an enviable not just  mentor-student relationship, but a friendship too. 

Callie and Arizona baby plans and the visitor

It was priceless to see  Callie and Arizona  planning for the baby. They were to do a turkey base. And they were already set with how they will help each other out as soon as the baby arrives.
It may seem surreal but yes, I pinched myself and it is real. Calzona is having a baby!
 It’s not important who delivers, or if they adopt, pending future developments on this pregnancy but I just still cannot get over the reality that they are having a BABY.  What an eternally  happy thought.

The closing voice over goes..

So what do you do? How do you decide when you’re left in the dark? How are you sure that you’re not making the same mistake in someone’s life. You close your eyes. You block out everyone and everything around you. You pray that  the voice inside you is right.  Because once you’ve decided, you can’t ever go back.”

Making decisions when we are facing a blank wall is a tricky thing. When it all comes down to it, in the face of uncertainty, we will always be left to make the decision ourselves.  We will be led to listen to that inner voice, in the deepest recesses of our soul, and act accordingly. And we hope that what we hear within us, is the right decision.  

Our beloved couple, and the friends they have dealt with in this episode,  had been and will be faced with sometimes life-changing decision-making situations. May they keep that inner strength and direction to make sound choices along the way.

Many intriguing elements await us in the next episodes. I'm ever so curious about the 'terrible' turned 'devastating' turned 'bad' news that Callie will receive. (I have only lifted these terms from the press releases I've read for episode 10x23)

If it will involve the pregnancy, I hope they will both be strong enough to get through it.

Three more episodes to go.

Still can't ward off thoughts if Calzona  will be part of the  cliffhangers in the finale. 

My personal wish is  that they let Calzona be and just bring them conflicts to deal with next season. Reason? Because they have had enough challenges since 9x23.

When it comes to Calzona, the  baby is all we can think about right now, and the best thing to hope for is that they do have a happy healthy baby when the time comes. 

We are not the powers-that-be, so all we can do is hope.

Three more episodes. Let's brace ourselves for the end of this landmark 10th season. Knowing Shonda, these episodes  will surely be heartbreaking, heart stopping, heartwarming, and the best part--heart-larious.

So for now, no "goodbyes," .....only "see you later!"

Calzona Forever.

